G gerbils Xfire,steam: gerbile3 Feb 27, 2007 #1 can someone please delete this stupid thread? Last edited: May 9, 2007
G gerbils Xfire,steam: gerbile3 Mar 2, 2007 #3 yay! ill post more screenshots as i get more along with the route Last edited: Mar 2, 2007
T trainzmainiac2006 T.C.S. Chairman Mar 3, 2007 #4 I hear the mods running down the hallway already! (pic size) QUCIK! HIDE! good route though. John
J jivebunny Not bugs bunny. Mar 6, 2007 #7 As trainzmaniac said, resize your pic. The limit is 640x480 outside the screenshot forum. Or as the mods would put it: "The new CoC has been there since the new forum, which u were supposed to have read before joining." Click to expand... JB
As trainzmaniac said, resize your pic. The limit is 640x480 outside the screenshot forum. Or as the mods would put it: "The new CoC has been there since the new forum, which u were supposed to have read before joining." Click to expand... JB
C caddylars Alphadog Mar 6, 2007 #8 trainzmainiac2006 said: I hear the mods running down the hallway already! (pic size) QUCIK! HIDE! good route though. John Click to expand... good one caddylars
trainzmainiac2006 said: I hear the mods running down the hallway already! (pic size) QUCIK! HIDE! good route though. John Click to expand... good one caddylars
H Harry_James_Potter General Thrash Mar 7, 2007 #9 errr. yeah... it needs resizing... reduces the bandwidth required to download making it 56k friendly. regards harry
errr. yeah... it needs resizing... reduces the bandwidth required to download making it 56k friendly. regards harry
G gerbils Xfire,steam: gerbile3 Mar 8, 2007 #11 better yet im gonna scrap this thread and restart on another thread
G gerbils Xfire,steam: gerbile3 Mar 8, 2007 #12 industrail mainlines (recreated thread) ................................ Last edited: Apr 19, 2007