Increasing whistle volume on existing steam engine


New member
Euphod has an existing steam engine (KUID2:7592:10187:1) which has a great sound (whistle) but it is weak. Is there a way to increase the volume. The "in-cab" volume is great but once you go to the external view it is weak.
Euphod has an existing steam engine (KUID2:7592:10187:1) which has a great sound (whistle) but it is weak. Is there a way to increase the volume. The "in-cab" volume is great but once you go to the external view it is weak.

Looks like another one of Euphod's Frisco reskins, only this one has the Interior and Engine sounds included. Thanks to this asset, I can now import these into his other mountain types. As for the whistle sound, I made a test layout and placed the engine into it. The Long-Long-Short-Long whistle sounds the same in Internal and External view on my layout.
Euphod has an existing steam engine (KUID2:7592:10187:1) which has a great sound (whistle) but it is weak. Is there a way to increase the volume. The "in-cab" volume is great but once you go to the external view it is weak.

I assume that you are using TRS2006?
This is a known issue with sound, mainly in TRS2006, but there have been some reports of it in other versions. The most accepted way round it is to reduce your soundcard hardware acceleration, at least by one 'click', and to if possible use an external (as in not onboard) soundcard.