Incomprehensible Error Message


Active member
My current route and its dependencies show no faults in the Content Manager, but during game play a red warning appears which, when clicked, shows a complicated error message containing many repeated lines and conveying nothing to me. Since I no longer know how to show a screen shot here, I have copied it out and show it below. I have no doubt made copying errors as punctuation marks in particular were hard to see. Anyway, here it is. Can anyone tell me what it's all about?

  • NOTE: DOWN ARROW instead of bullet I
  • File Line 696. ER_NullReference
  • Script class.HTMLPropertGroup
  • Object GSGameObject;0x60000ca4760:class GSClass:0x7t9859449c8:HTMLPropertygroupt:refcount:2;
  • ANOTHER DOWN ARROW HERE (I don't know how to print them)
  • Script callstack
  • function Svoid a HTMLPropertyGroup.*AddHandler(HTMLPropertyHandler.string).line 696
  • function Svoid a MulltiTrackStation::Innit. line 177
  • function Svoid a MeshObiect::Innit(Asset).line351
  • File 696.ER_Null Reference
  • Script class. HTMLPropertyGroup
  • Object
  • Script callstack
  • function Svoid a HTMLPropertyGroup::AddHandler(HTMLPropertyHandler.string). line 696
  • function Svoid a MulltiTrackStation::Innit.line 177
  • function Svoid a MeshObiect::Innit(Asset).line351
    File htmlpropertyhandler. gs. Line 696. ER_NullReference
  • Script class.HTMLPropertyGroup
  • Object
  • Script callstack
  • function Svoid a HTMLProperty Group: AddHandler(HTMLPropertyHandler.string).line 696
  • function Svoid a MultiTrackStation::Innit.line 177
  • function Svoid a MeshObiect::Innit(Asset).line351

  • Script class:ICE
  • MeshObject;<kuid2:935657:200000:6> "PT ICE4:WON"
  • Script.callstack
  • Function Svoid a ICE:: Sound.line 68
  • Script class:ICE
  • MeshObject:<kuid2:935657:200000.6> "PT ICE4:WON1"
  • Script callstack
  • Function Svoid alCE:: ToggleOrentateSound(Message). line 217
I suggest you raise a help desk ticket on it since it relates to one or more payware assets. Alternatively, you might try reinstalling the payware concerned.

For info, those messages are script errors reporting that a reference to an object is null. In plain English it means that the object doesn't exist when it should.
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I suggest you raise a help desk ticket on it since it relates to one or more payware assets. Alternatively, you might try reinstalling the payware concerned.

For info, those messages are script errors reporting that a reference to an object is null. In plain English it means that the object doesn't exist when it should.

I think that's enough info - it's easy enough to replace one locomotive with another. There doesn't seem to be any way of telling whether a locomotive in your asset list is payWave or not, but I've got enough that aren't if it is the one I think it is.
I think that's enough info - it's easy enough to replace one locomotive with another. There doesn't seem to be any way of telling whether a locomotive in your asset list is payWave or not, but I've got enough that aren't if it is the one I think it is.

Yes there is.

After starting Trainz, go into the System Menu - the 3-bars.
Click on Settings...
Click on General Settings
Check the following box.

Show object/track/train KUIDs in Surveyor.

After you do this, you'll see an object's KUID and a color.

If the KUID is yellow, then it's built-in or payware.

To find out if this is a payware asset that has the fault, go into your session. Click on the consist tab in Surveyor Classic and get asset, or the eyedropper tool in S20 and click on the locomotive on your route. If the KUID is yellow, then you'll know if it's built-in or payware.
Yes there is.

After starting Trainz, go into the System Menu - the 3-bars.
Click on Settings...
Click on General Settings
Check the following box.

Show object/track/train KUIDs in Surveyor.

After you do this, you'll see an object's KUID and a color.

If the KUID is yellow, then it's built-in or payware.

To find out if this is a payware asset that has the fault, go into your session. Click on the consist tab in Surveyor Classic and get asset, or the eyedropper tool in S20 and click on the locomotive on your route. If the KUID is yellow, then you'll know if it's built-in or payware.

I will try this. What I did yesterday was delete the locomotive I thought was involved and replace it with known OK one, and I still got the same message, but it must have been a sort of hangover because it went away again.