Hi all,
I've actually been a Trainz user since 2004 but this is the first time I've posted in this forum. I recently purchased the Trainz collection with TRS 2006 and I'm impressed with the CMP, this finally got me into actually modifying the content rather than merely doing Surveyor layouts. (I've spent 3 years developing the world's largest map that now has to be broken down since it contains over 2000 baseboards and chugs like a slug on valium in the game!)
The question I want to ask is, I've started looking at the CCP with a view to modifying the camera positions, since I've never been happy with the in-cab cameras in most of the locos. I often like to set the train to auto drive while I check out the scenery, and for this the locos with outside cameras are best. But some of my favourite locos don't have outside cameras, so I want to modify the in-cab camera positions for these locos. I know I could use the external chase camera, but this doesn't have the "mouselook" behaviour of the in-cab cams - it "orbits" around the selected train instead. So I need to use the in-cab camera positions so I can "mouselook" outside the cab.
Now I've got this far: you open the loco's cab interior asset in CCP, and edit the "cameralist" settings. Now, what I see here is a list of cameras each with five fractional numbers usually ranging between 0 and 1, sometimes more. I assume these five values relate to X-pos, Y-pos, Z-pos, Heading and Pitch for each camera, relative to an origin (eg a.outsideview etc). My questions are:
1. In what order are these coordinates listed, eg is it like this:
X-Pos .. Y-Pos ... Z-Pos ..... Heading . Pitch
0.93000 0.900000 0.140000 -4.25000 -1.20000
Or what order are the coordinates in, and how are these coordinates oriented with respect to the loco on the track - that is, is Y up-down, X left-right, Z forward-back, or how are they positioned?
2. What are the units of distance or rotation? Is it in metres and degrees or is it some arbitrary unit?
Having played around with the camera positions, I found that none of these values seem to be consistent in behaviour, so I haven't been able to position a camera where I want it - all I can do is seem to get the cameras to move around randomly.
3. Some of the cameras seem to display only the interior and moving them outside the loco means the loco exterior is invisible, yet some locos with outside cameras show it fine. Where and what is the parameter that determines interior/exterior visibility for a loco's internal camera views?
Any help would be appreciated.
I've actually been a Trainz user since 2004 but this is the first time I've posted in this forum. I recently purchased the Trainz collection with TRS 2006 and I'm impressed with the CMP, this finally got me into actually modifying the content rather than merely doing Surveyor layouts. (I've spent 3 years developing the world's largest map that now has to be broken down since it contains over 2000 baseboards and chugs like a slug on valium in the game!)
The question I want to ask is, I've started looking at the CCP with a view to modifying the camera positions, since I've never been happy with the in-cab cameras in most of the locos. I often like to set the train to auto drive while I check out the scenery, and for this the locos with outside cameras are best. But some of my favourite locos don't have outside cameras, so I want to modify the in-cab camera positions for these locos. I know I could use the external chase camera, but this doesn't have the "mouselook" behaviour of the in-cab cams - it "orbits" around the selected train instead. So I need to use the in-cab camera positions so I can "mouselook" outside the cab.
Now I've got this far: you open the loco's cab interior asset in CCP, and edit the "cameralist" settings. Now, what I see here is a list of cameras each with five fractional numbers usually ranging between 0 and 1, sometimes more. I assume these five values relate to X-pos, Y-pos, Z-pos, Heading and Pitch for each camera, relative to an origin (eg a.outsideview etc). My questions are:
1. In what order are these coordinates listed, eg is it like this:
X-Pos .. Y-Pos ... Z-Pos ..... Heading . Pitch
0.93000 0.900000 0.140000 -4.25000 -1.20000
Or what order are the coordinates in, and how are these coordinates oriented with respect to the loco on the track - that is, is Y up-down, X left-right, Z forward-back, or how are they positioned?
2. What are the units of distance or rotation? Is it in metres and degrees or is it some arbitrary unit?
Having played around with the camera positions, I found that none of these values seem to be consistent in behaviour, so I haven't been able to position a camera where I want it - all I can do is seem to get the cameras to move around randomly.
3. Some of the cameras seem to display only the interior and moving them outside the loco means the loco exterior is invisible, yet some locos with outside cameras show it fine. Where and what is the parameter that determines interior/exterior visibility for a loco's internal camera views?
Any help would be appreciated.