I'm searching for these KUID's for Summer Getaway and Prague-Brno.


New member
First of all, sorry if I should post missing KUID posts somewhere else, but I haven't been able to find a specific forum. I have (at least) two routes that I'm trying to get up and running, and have had a lot of trouble tracking down all the dependencies.

The first one is "Summer Getaway," specifically "Summer Getaway 2," by Atex-cs, available here:



As you can see, five dependencies .cdp files are offered for download, but these don't cover all of the trams connected to the scenario. The sessions also don't work with the included dependencies installed. I might be mistaken simply by using more trams with it than I should. In any case, I'm looking for these:


The second layout I'm trying to install is a realistic recreation of the Prague-Brno mainline on Ceske Drahy, which is officially by Asrajer (although it looks to have been a team effort) available on trainz.cz with a list of dependencies.


Many of them are available on the site, while others are linked to, but I've literally spent two weeks searching for all of the "neznamy," or "unknown" dependencies. At these point, I've narrowed them down to these...

(These KUID's above are by the well-known Czech developer Lukasx, but his website is down and this KUID isn't available from either the DLS or Trainz.cz. I'm surprised that it isn't readily available.)

kuid:109628:25036 (I've only been able to find out that Zuhi is the developer of this one.)

kuid:143730:2510220 (completely unknown)

Finally, I HAVE found these dependencies...


...on www.trainz-msk.g6.cz, but it's necessary to have an account on that site, and it isn't clear how to get an account.

In short, I'm trying to get as many of these KUID's as possible. Thank you to everyone in advance.
Yeah, I tried that one to get most of the others. The KUID's above were the ones that were left. Tonight I've narrowed the list down to these:


Quick clarification: I've narrowed the search for Prague-Brno to the above three. I haven't looked at the Summer Getaway KUID's yet.
I have a quick update on my KUID search. I finally installed the route, and got it to work while lacking a number of KUIDs, many of them unlisted by the developers. However, I'm still trying to track down the three I mentioned above. One quick update is that I know the name of one of them...


...which is "LX_rd_cp_13." I found it listed on an obscure German-language website, but without a download link. The other two...

<kuid:109628:25036>, by zuhi, and...

<kuid:143730:2510220>, by an unknown developer, are still a mystery.

The route looks great, incidentally, albeit unfinished, as the developers admit.
yes its different from that one, I will delete that asset from the map, but are you trying to run it in T:ANE? is it working?, because I didn t had time to test it in other versions of Trainz
It works in T:ANE. But you have to edit some asset because they have texture errors. I will install the new version and check if there are more errors. 3 assets have an invalid KUID userid.
I decided to keep the older version. The difference is that there are 3 more sessions in the version on Trainzpremiumroutes.weebly.com, than on your version.
But i will look to it.
EDIT : Could you please give <kuid:777777:2500> ? No results on TKI.

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yes I can, can you send me an email on gmail? that nice to hear.. but is it hard to fix the errors? are they many?.. thats interesting to hear.. I thought the layout can t go pass TS2010 because of the compatibilty issue.

I removed the other sessions from my map because they didn t worked properly.. because of the AI.. for example when I created my map on my computer they worked as intented.. but after testing them on other computers they started to malfunction, so I decided to have only one at the moment.
Send me an pm with your GMail adress.
There are a few errors, one is that you can't use the -freeintcam. There are some Invalid-Userid errors and 1 missing asset which i mentioned before. In my installation i cannot see the errors, because i already fixed them. The invalid-kuid user items i fixed by cloning, if you want them, i can also give them. It will be good to replace the invalid-userid assets. Sometimes a replacement can be find on the DLS.
The invalid userid items are :
<kuid:869154:978> Rus auto old excavator
<kuid:869361:978> 1 Buldozer
<kuid:869946:78> f Old UZD Boxcar
<kuid:871422:871009> RoS Microfon triaj V3
<kuid:871422:871021> ROS-Telefon triaj
<kuid:904862:348> Sgorevshiy dom
<kuid:905746:348> Stariy dom
<kuid:947265:348> S.T.A.L.K.E.R. ZIL 130
<kuid:7777777:-133505401> pamytnik
<kuid:871422:871001> ROS - Megafon V1
<kuid:871422:871212> RoS Microfon triaj
<kuid:874036:348> Rus auto old Autobus2
<kuid:888882:6006> Billboard RO Night 06
<kuid:888882:20052> Limitare 40 30 200
<kuid:967825:348> Rus auto old Kamaz
The faulty-unfixable assets are
<kuid:109628:25029> raklap box
<kuid:299148:43> volvo S80
<kuid:350301:7811012> RUSTRAM rails T65 stabel shpal 2

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