I'm Back!!!


New member
After a very long hiatus, I'm back.

I joined way back when and bought the first few series of Trainz, even designing a lot of content (mainly buildings, warehouses, offices, etc.)....
yet, work, family and time did not allow me to continue past Tranz 2004...

So fast forward to now, and I'm looking for the latest generation of Trainz, but rather confused about which one to get.

Should I wait for Trainz 2009? Is there something else I should try while we wait? Does Paint Shed even exist anymore? How are stock re-painted these days?

What say you?
Welcome Back!!

Well, welcome back for one. I never meet you before and I only came here in the year 2006, (TRS200) so that's why most likely!:hehe:

You noticed that there is a lot of changes going on. TS2009 and TrainzX for example. There is also another series called Trainz Classics (TC). I really dont go into them so look around and explore.

If I were you I would either get TC3 or wait for TS2009.

The story behind PaintShed is a sad one. PaintShed does exist in TRS2006 but they are discontinuing it. You wont find it in TS2009.

Again welcome back! :wave: :wave:

Adam, thanks... For some reason the forum reset all my info, and shows be as a noob...sad, sad. Anyway, terrible news about Paintshed. That was actually one of the reasons I bought the games to begin with. Sure hope they reconsider, T2009 sounds like it might be fun. Is TC3 basically a "new" T2006???

Maybe I'll just play my old T2004...unless there's a compelling and convincing reason to fork over new cash... but Paint Shed is a must. I don't want to spend endless hours trying to do all the skins in PhotoShop.

Ahhh...it's good to be back.
The majority of the users are either TRS2004 or TRS2006. Your not really a Noob. We go more by date of registering. At least I do...:o :confused:

All the old users (before the old forum crashed) have their register date set as November 2006. The system crashed in August/September of 2006. Thats why there is a new forum. All old info has been lost as well as a lot of members.:( :'(

The DLS is still up and running but is painfully slow and uploading takes forever these days. That was because a lot of changes happened. Which I should explain. Fills in a lot of gaps.:confused:

Around December of 2007 the managment of Trainz shifted and Alan, Lance and more lost their jobs here. Alan has disapeared since and Lance we havent heard much from. AJ, Rob, and Tony are still around though.:)

Last I knew PaintShed was taken of the drawing board and will never come back. So If I were you, keep TRS2004 for PaintShed and get TS2009 for the routes and what ever else is created for it.

But Trainz is going further down the track so to speak and more new stuff is expected. Also TrainzDev (http://www.trainzdev.com/index.php) is site/wiki for Trainz Content Creators. It's new for TS2009 so that will fill you in a lot on the content creation side of things.:D

TC is, as far as I know, a series of games with one to two routes based on prototypical areas and run specific rolling stock on them. Not that interesting I feel.

TC1-TC2 have a already been released and in the US we have something called Trainz Railways that includes TC1 and 2 with TRS2006 SP1. That all I really know about the subject.

TS2009 and TrainzX were only announced about a month ago so you entered just in time. I cant think of much else to say about what has happened lately so, if you have any questions someone will answer them.

It might seam like a lot but it really isnt by the way.:hehe: :o

Adam, thanks... For some reason the forum reset all my info, and shows be as a noob...sad, sad. Anyway, terrible news about Paintshed. That was actually one of the reasons I bought the games to begin with. Sure hope they reconsider, T2009 sounds like it might be fun. Is TC3 basically a "new" T2006???

Maybe I'll just play my old T2004...unless there's a compelling and convincing reason to fork over new cash... but Paint Shed is a must. I don't want to spend endless hours trying to do all the skins in PhotoShop.

Ahhh...it's good to be back.

Welcome Back. Since the great forum crash the "new forum" lists all prior members as joined Nov 2006 (when the new forum went live) so you are not listed as noob.:p Many of us including myself still use TRS2004 so if you want to create for TRS2004 there are many of us who would appreciate your efforts. TRS2004 assets can be converted from TRS2004 to TRS2004 and TC. Backwards conversions are difficult but not impossible if you are familar with asset config format structure for the various versions.

Good to have you back.:wave: