I need a simple "Train In Block" rule...any suggestions please...?


Hello all.

I have a little problem at one end of my route. First of all, the signalling is working like a dream and the AI is behaving itself too. However, because my route converges into single line working at its southern end, I am getting bottlenecks. The end of the route is a considerable distance from this convergence so I need subsequent trains to wait and allow the last train that has gone through to return and re-enter the double line section. There is no other place that trains can leap frog each other, and I don't wish to add another loop further down if I can help it.

Basically, I need a simple rule that sets the last signal on the double line section to danger until the train returns and sets a trigger off to re-set that signal to clear (or automatic). I have tried a few rules off the DLS but they don't seem to do what I require, or seem complicated to use. What I am getting at is I want to stop train B entering the single line if there is already train A using it, becausetrain A will have to return at some point, after reaching the last station on the line. Other than this, my signalling system works perfectly. I have had the comical episode of a DMU impasse, but at least the signals protected the trains and stopped anything catastrophic happening.

Hope you can help. I have already tried 'Static Block Rule' and 'Trigger Multiple Signals' without success. They don't appear to be designed for what I need.

Best wishes,
I suggest you look at the "ControlTrackAtTrackMark" <kuid2:131986:1023:1> and "FreeTrackAtTrackMark" <kuid2:131986:1024:1> driver commands from Atilabarut. The first command enables to get exclusive control of a named trackmark and the last one releases the exclusive control.

So, if you put a named trackmark on your single line section and you request exclusive control of the trackmark before driving on the single line section, and you release it when the train comes back on the double track section, you should avoid bottleneck. When the second train will request the exclusive control, it will wait until the first train releases the control on the trackmark.

Hope this helps. Good luck.
Edit: I thought I had it working, but its not reliable. Sometimes a loco waiting on a block will take a lock on the junction its facing, preventing the other leaving. Sometimes the waiting train will not resume once a block is clear. After much frustration I'm throwing in the towell on the whole idea, at least for now.

I am currently trying to do something similiar with staff controlled single line blocks (with grain sidings which otherwise Trainz sees as passing loops). I am using two triggers with 2m trigger radious placed 10 metres or so apart (distance not critical, as long as its > than the trigger radius) at each end of the block, and Two Trigger Check rules to set appropriate (invisible) signals to Danger via the Set Signal rule (on DLS). These are defined as follows in the Session...


Trigger Check Entry (triggered by either of triggers T3,T2)
--Set Signals S1 (one end) to Danger
--Set Signals S2 (one end) to Danger
--Set Signals S3 (other end) to Danger
Trigger Check Exit (triggered by the either of triggers T1,T4)
-- Set Signals S1 to automatic
-- Set Signals S2 to automatic
-- Set Signals S3 to automatic

(NB: S1/S2/S3 a simplification - I actually have an invisible signal placed on each road facing the last junction before the block)

It is important to tick the 'Complete All Child Rules' box in the Trigger definition.

Although operation is not quite protypical (it does not allow for following trains), at least it prevents Trainz AI drivers making crossovers at mid block grain sidings. As well as trains travelling through the block, it does allow for the case of a train entering a block, picking up at grain siding, and leaving by the same end as it entered. I am still experimenting with this set up in one of my blocks (in my Weddin route), before applying to others.

T1 and T4 should be right in front of the junction - the further T2 and T3 are from the associated junctions the greater the chance two trains will approach from either end and be within the entry/exit triggers at the same time, resulting in both moving into the block. Hope this makes sense.

For Padster's single track at the end of the line, the first half of the above diagram repesents the double line to single line convergence (ie, S1,S2 T1,T2).

This approach has the advantage that once implemented no special instructions need be given to individual drivers - Just tell them to drive through the block (or in Padsters case, to the end stataion), and they will do so if the block is free, else they will wait.

PS: Please excuse the crudeness of the diagrams !
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If your single line has no signals then the last signal before the single line will be red when a train is in the section. The alternative is to place trackmark before the single line and drive to it then wait for trigger which is placed on the double return line track.
The other thing here that has not been taken into account is how train A returns

does it go round a loop
or does it enter a portal

If the portal is used when 'A' enters it it will not exist anymore so 'B' will get the green to proceed !, this in its self would not be a problem as as far as I can remember 5min is the min setting on a portal so there would be time for 'B' to enter, the real problem would start if there was also a 'C' & 'D' in the equasion, you could have the portal trying to accept & emit a train at the same time ( not good )

If your single line has no signals then the last signal before the single line will be red when a train is in the section. The alternative is to place trackmark before the single line and drive to it then wait for trigger which is placed on the double return line track.

Thanks guys for your help, I will try the trackmark suggestion and see how I get on. That seems the best idea for me.

@Kelly88 does it go round a loop or does it enter a portal?

It does neither lol! It leaves the double line section and travels to the end of the line where there is a station with a small run-round loop and headshunt, which the DMUs don't need to make use of. The only portals I have on my route are at the northern end, and are completely separate from the rest of my rail network.

Thanks again, and best wishes,
I suggest you look at the "ControlTrackAtTrackMark" <kuid2:131986:1023:1> and "FreeTrackAtTrackMark" <kuid2:131986:1024:1> driver commands from Atilabarut. The first command enables to get exclusive control of a named trackmark and the last one releases the exclusive control.

I used this method on my tramway layout, and it works very well. I would add that it is worth prefixing the trackmark names with "TOKEN - ", so you can see which you are using as tokens and which as trackmarks. The best bit is you don't have to fiddle around with rules and setting up, and all you have to do for the sessions is add the commands to the available list.
Ive been operating a single track from a double track with trains every 30 minutes. my train arrives at station A loads and waits for trigger. The trigger is placed 200m down the single track or on the up track from the junction. The up train crosses the trigger the signal stays red until up train pulls into station A on the other track. the down train will then proceed to station B runaround and return to station A.
Well, I finally found out what the problem was - Because of the small trigger radius It is important to tick the 'Wait for all Child Rules to complete' option in the Check Trigger definition panel.

The results are now working (testing continues !), I have edited my original posts above to describe.

I would like a single line blocking system in trainz

there was 2 rules in just trains "Train Driver" for the West Somerset Railway route and they worked.

it would be good if Train Driver could be redone for TRS2010 an up