I have new site + forum but 1 question.


New member
I am currently developing my own website on Freewebs. It is just basically called J A Bunting AKA insulfrog and this link will take you to the main page. However, I am currently building a small forum and I would like to ask if I could put a section in for Trainz?

The reason why I 'm asking is that I do not want to breach any of Auran's copyrights.
I am fairly sure you can or you can just put in a sesction for"train simulators" as there are a number of sites with the same thing,but Im not a 100% sure so don't take my answer for granted:D
'Course you can, I have a half-a year old Freewebs site with a Trainz forum. (That disappointingly, only one person ever posted in besides me:'( , and that was BLACKWATCH, aka crimpsall, thanks BLACKWATCH:) ).
Thank you all, I have now have a Trainz section in my forums, one sub-forum with just general discussion and one sub-forum with the Iportal and Ichat.

I would like to invite you all to take a look at my site and see what you think. The web address is now in my signature so its easy to get to. :)