I give up !


New member
I have TRS 2006 2.6 BUILD 3337, Ive tried installing all types of routes but none of them have worked,this is after two weeks constantly trying.
Ive decided to A build my own routes and purchase any commercial routes I can,can anyone say if the " Trainz routes 3 and 4 " from AURAN will work with my version.
Ive even tried Razorback demos from their site but they dont work either saying something about RBR Phoenix patch??
I would be grateful for any input as Im going nuts with this.:'( :'(
does the route show up, but when you select it, it says that there has been no route selected?
If so, i think it's a case of missing dependencies (this happenend to me last week)
Hard earned

Before you go parting with your hard earned cash only to find commercial routes don't show either, it would be wise to try and sort out this 'not showing' problem first.
I don't have 06 so am unable to help, but plenty of people here do and I am sure they will be only to willing to come to your aid.
Just ask...


Many thanks for posting that link.


If you have any problems getting the Razorback Railway items to work, please feel free to post on our forum. We would be pleased to try and help you.

After downloading any of our exe files, you need to then run it (sorry if that's obvious).

Have you done everything listed in our TRS2006 Getting Started FAQ article?
