I give up & yay


Active member
The bad news first: TRS2004 has been having to many problems.

The good news: I just ordered TRS2006 to replace it!

This seems to me to be possibly an unwise move. TRS2004 has the reputation of being stable and reliable, TRS2006 the opposite. I hope it works out for you.

EDIT - Maybe I shoudn't have posted this, I never had TRS2004 so I can't back up my comment. And TRS2006 works fine for me, it's just CMP that's a bit iffy.
Mick Berg.
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Wahey! Let's bash 06 some more!

Personally I find 06 far superior to 04 in terms of stability and I hope you have a similar experience. Admittedly people have mixed results with 06 but it is more likely to get bashed on this forum because people don't post to say how well a program is running as much as they do to moan.

If you do have teething problems there are a number of people around (myself included) who will be happy to help you through these issues.

I love TRS2006 - I only create routes and run consists, but I could never go back to TRS2004.

There are somethings I can't do without. ie: Natvanders / davido's content for starters.

Which would explain the "If I had not already registered my copy....etc etc" up front.

....meaning he'd have sent his copy on for free had HE NOT registered it. Capische??
TRS2006 is a fickle beast but if you pay it compliments regularly and occasionally give it a kick up the backside it runs very sweetly indeed.I'd have thought that if I was going to buy anew Trainz I would go for TC 1,2 or 3.:p
The bad news first: TRS2004 has been having to many problems.

The good news: I just ordered TRS2006 to replace it!

As you can see from the responses, you've very wisely made a very unwise move and you'll be happily unhappy with the results...:cool:
I surprised no one asked this......


What kind of system are you running TRS2004 on? Trainz takes a lot of computing power and memory. The Video card should be mid to high end card in order to enjoy Trainz. The minimum specs on the box are a joke unless you want only to run the built in routes. I am afraid that unless your computer is powerful enough you will have a bad experience with TRS2006 as well.:(

@Sourdough - I do not understand your last comment.:hehe:
We all get different opinions about different versions of Trainz and some come packaged with a personal opinion about one version vs. another here on the Forum. That's what this Forum is all about. In the end. the problems reported could be user side or whatever. Try each one yourself to see what version you like the best. If you have problems. post here for help. Hopefully. you will get help instead of disses.


@Sourdough - I do not understand your last comment.:hehe:
Oh, just that you get those who say you made a wise choice and those who say you made an unwise choice....those who say you'll be happy with it...those who say you will be unhappy with it....you know, the usual when 04 and 06 are discussed in the same thread....:cool: