I download via ftp then extract using content dispatcher...


New member
ok so I download via ftp from download station I click open then It downloads then it starts up content dispacther I click extract then its says extracting... then the content dispacther knocks off and nothing is extracted at all.
Please Help guys thanks:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Maybe you would be better off posting this in the TRS2004 forum, as I assume that is what you have.
Are there any error messages?
did you delete the "despatcher chump" file after you extracted the asset.
otherwise trainz wont know its in the download folder.
Download helper does that automatically.
you will find it in the "cache" folder.
trainz will rebuild it next time its run.
Once you click open your CDP file, the first screen you get (where the "extract" button is), look to the left bottom to see where your path to your TRS04 installation goes to and make sure this is the right path to install it to. If you have more than one install on your PC (I have 4 different instances of TRS04 on my PC), you might have the wrong instance to install to and you can change this there.

Check in your right TRS04 install in its "world/dispatcher/downloads folder and see the folder with the Kuid number you just extracted.

As said above, delete the "dispatcher chump" file or you will not see your just installed content.


Guess what the thing I downloaded is on the dispatcher/downloads folder but why is it not showing in my game on the building list....or on any list I mean it is a building
Guess what the thing I downloaded is on the dispatcher/downloads folder but why is it not showing in my game on the building list....or on any list I mean it is a building
It is up to a content creator to assign the right category class but some get this woefully wrong. I have seen d/loaded buildings as locomotives, bogeys as rolling stock etc. If this is done wrong the item gets assigned to whatever the category class is stated in the config.txt of the item.

It pays to check your d/loaded Kuid Folder (the item you can not find in Surveyor, to see what category, country code and/or name is assigned by the creator and check these in the Surveyor menues. You can also alter these codes to suit, check the 2004ContentCreationGuide which ones and to what you could change these yourself.


for downloading engines with FTP, you have to download engine spec,interior,horn sounds,and engine noises.