I discovered something! Fatal errors caused by bad session!


Trainzing since 12-2003
I've been working on my Enfield and Eastern for ages. I mean this incarnation of the route started in TRS2004 SP2, and has grown and progressed to where it is now at about 89 miles of city and country railroad with lots of industries and branchlines.

Recently, however, I went to drive the layout, which I do after a big spell of work in Surveyor so I can enjoy the fruits of my labor. Well I instantly got a Kernel_C7.dll Fatal error. Bam! Got dumped to the desktop instantly!

I tried the usual, change video drivers, close down any background tasks, etc. but to no evail. I then thought that perhaps the rolling stock was junk so I changed consists in Surveyor because I could edit the Session, but not run it. Still same problem. Then it happened. One crash too many in the session did it in. I could no longer open it for editing so as a last resort, before I dumped the route to start over, I did a back up just in case, and opened the route only. Low and behold the route edited fine so I deleted the session, and I've been editing the base route ever since. I'll create a new session at some point soon so I can run again.

Anyway, I just wanted to pass this little tid-bit of information just in case others may have the same frustrating problem.

JCitron, read my thread "My name is Ozymandias"!.I spent £80 on a mini hard drive awhile ago and it seems to have saved my bacon, along with not bothering to empty the Recycle bin on a regular basis...
Hi Lewis,

I did read your thread. ;) I have two 250 gig hard drives in my system with one setup as a data backup drive. Just before I do any editing, I make a copy of the route and session to a CDP on the backup drive.

This has saved but butt a few times when I've made stupid edits that I didn't like. Rather than undo, which I found does weird things to splines and makes more of a hassle to clean up, I'll exit the program and restore the route from scratch.
