I bought Trainz 2004 yesterday for £1 ---


New member


Hi all.

Nice forum.

I'm a long term flightsim fan who has been suddenly thrust into
the trainsim world after buying a copy of 'Trainz 2004' on impulse
for just £1 (around 50 cents). Is this the bargain of the year, I wonder?

My fears of having bought a turkey were banished after an hour or so
of hammering round the tracks in this great game (sorry, sim!) ;)

Question 1. In Surveyor, how do I change the time of day setting?
(Ive tried the round dial 'time of day' thing, and adjusting the time
numerals. Is it a 24 hour clock?

Question 2. Is there a way to disable the sound in Trainz 2004,
or to configure the sound levels within Trainz?

A new Trainz video ----

I normally make flightsim videos but couldn't resist capturing
some of the magic of Trainz on video (links enclosed).

Hope you enjoy it.

BTW. I tried posting my vid on the screenshots forum but was informed
that I couldnt do so as I havent been authorised yet. Is this normal?




'Steam Time' High quality version (Only 13mb)
Download link >

YouTube version - quick-link ...

Last edited:
BTW. I tried posting my vid on the screenshots forum but was informed
that I couldnt do so as I havent been authorised yet. Is this normal?

I've never seen that before but perhaps if you would send a messege to http://www.auran.com/helpdesk/ I'm sure they'll be able to help you.

Oh and
to the wonderful world of Trainz!


I've never seen that before but perhaps if you would send a messege to http://www.auran.com/helpdesk/ I'm sure they'll be able to help you.

Oh and
to the wonderful world of Trainz!


Hi Dave.

Thanks for the welcome, and the forum info.

BTW. Got any good links for freeware addons for Trainz/2004?
In particular I'm looking for good mountain/winter scenery,
plus maybe tube/underground lines etc



BTW. I tried posting my vid on the screenshots forum but was informed
that I couldnt do so as I havent been authorised yet. Is this normal?


Yes it is normal. You have to register your Serial number first at Auran. Just click on the 'Serial Number' tab at the top of this screen.
Thanks for the comments.

Does anyone know how I change trains? i.e. If I'm in a scenario and I want to change trains, do I have to edit the scenario first in the editor?


If you mean changing the driver from one train to another, click on the driver in your session and go to the correct menu showing up. You have to have at least 2 trains in your session for this.

If you mean getting an entirely different train into your session, you have to do that in Surveyor and save it as a session.

Also, if your copy of TRS is second hand and registered already here with AURAN, you can not register it again. If your copy is new when bought, just register its serial number included with AURAN.


time of day yes it is the 24 hr clock click on the dial or spin it to where you perfer.
and WELCOME to TRAINZ you are begging a addiction that will last a life time! had it about a year me and stuck to it.;) i hope you enjoy all benefits of trainz and it predesesors and long lasting friends......speaking of friends you can make them here they all have a passion for trainz like you! ENJOY!!!!
time of day yes it is the 24 hr clock click on the dial or spin it to where you perfer.

That works in surveyor. If you want the time changed in driver you must edit the start up options in surveyor. You set the start time and the sim speed here. Save it as a new session or jump right to driver.
BTW. Got any good links for freeware addons for Trainz/2004?

Yup there are over 50,000+ on the Download Station (click the link next to Website at the top of the forum)


For content not on the official download site see the "Fansites" list via the 2004 website, and/or just do some Google searching, many sites with payware also have free stuff, sometime want you to do a registration (free). Too many really good sites to remember them all!


a couple of favourites....but go down the whole list.



you'll be upgrading to 2006 very soon, and this is around pretty cheaply now......(you will find 2006 stuff not not all compatible with 2004, and new 2004 items will be harder to come by, but there's a lot out there).