I BORAT go home with my Money, and make Airline,,, YES !!!!


New member
Welcome to Great and Glorious Borat Airline.
I buy cheap airplane at Jalopy Jungle, even come with engine!!!
They Good People!!!
I open branch office near you soon,

1st class get forward heated Cabin
2nd class get in back with chicken
3rd class we tie you to wing, if you get off before landing,, NO refund!!






When I build office I post all so you too can travel in class the Borat way.

seriously,, this is what happens when you are sleepy, have a new program, and a new model, and are a little touched in the head!

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i think borat is a little too obn the wacky side. he makes you ride on the wings if u are 3rd class, lol
Borat in my opinion didn't live up to its reputation, but it was a very very funny movie! Great job on the plane! That is semething he would definately do!
what will i take........

ill take 3rd class please!!:D
i know i want to have all the fun.:rolleyes: looks amazing!
i will definatley get this.
who cares of no refund ill take the ride!!!
now wheres the string and a ladder and im ready to go.:D
best plane ever

hmmm, think you could make a DC-6 or 7 FS2004 Reskin?

couldent do the overhead bags, but would be cool to fly around is FS9 :D

funny, yes! I ride in the 1rst class, stick my head out window so me tease people in 3rd class, yes!
She will be released by weeks end !!

Just need to make her office and release as a two pack.

The plane will come as seen, crates, ladders, sheep and all.

For grins and giggles, I may even make her into a simple loco later! wheels down of course, What a sight,, this buzzing about in trainz.