I am just little curious.....

What do you mean? TRS2006 can only be infected by a virus if your computer has a virus. It left the factory virus-free.
It does contain a virus. It is named "trainzing" and thousands of people have been contaminated and can not stop using the program any more. They also start to make weird noises which sound a lot like a running steam engine. As of yet there is no cure.
It does contain a virus. It is named "trainzing" and thousands of people have been contaminated and can not stop using the program any more. They also start to make weird noises which sound a lot like a running steam engine. As of yet there is no cure.

:hehe: I guess I'm doomed :'(
It does contain a virus. It is named "trainzing" and thousands of people have been contaminated and can not stop using the program any more. They also start to make weird noises which sound a lot like a running steam engine. As of yet there is no cure.

that virus got onto me from UTC....

I'm wanna just know that TRS2006 have got any bad viruis or it normal?

there is one posibility for TRS to have a virus; If you download any content you run the risk of getting one.

no there is no viruses trojans worms or spyware in any trainz versions

hope this helps

It well just I have Norton Protection Center in my computer still there BUT earlier I already did add new set Norton Protection Center on the computer....But I was use spyware lat last year before but no anymore use them.....