Hungarian MIN, best Multi-Industry New yet!

I've just been looking at this Multi-Industry New recently put on the DLS;


Multi Ind str l= 10m HU
by bekaember, kuid2:102376:63001:6

-Only 10m long and has no attached scenery, fits anywhere in your layout with ease.

-The queues have been left generic, so you are not stuck with someone else's choice of default queue names. And of course you have all the product flexibility that comes with MIN.

- It is the only MIN I know of to be height-adjustable! At last we have an industry that can be used on water as well as land. Makes me wonder why all industries are not made this way, it's so handy.

- Only problem, the control panel text is Hungarian. You can change it back to English by pasting text from another MIN, but of course if used in a Session uploaded to the DLS, others will still see the original Hungarian version.

Thank you to bekaember!

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I've just been looking at this Multi-Industry New recently put on the DLS;


Multi Ind str l= 10m HU
by bekaember, kuid2:102376:63001:6

-Only 10m long and has no attached scenery, fits anywhere in your layout with ease.

-The queues have been left generic, so you are not stuck with someone else's choice of default queue names. And of course you have all the product flexibility that comes with MIN.

- It is the only MIN I know of to be height-adjustable! At last we have an industry that can be used on water as well as land. Makes me wonder why all industries are not made this way, it's so handy.

- Only problem, the control panel text is Hungarian. You can change it back to English by pasting text from another MIN, but of course if used in a Session uploaded to the DLS, others will still see the original Hungarian version.

Thank you to bekaember!


Hello Dinorius_Redundicus! ;)

You're welcome! :hehe: Would you be interested in english versions? ;)
I would like to say a couple words about my multi indusrties:

straight 10m (on the dls)
straight 20m
straight 60m
curved 10 degrees r=100m
curved 10 degrees r=150m
curved 5 degrees r=200m
curved 10 degrees r=200m
curved 5 degrees r=225m
curved 10 degrees r=225m
curved 5 degrees r=250m
curved 10 degrees r=250m
curved 5 degrees r=255m
curved 10 degrees r=255m
curved 5 degrees r=300m
curved 10 degrees r=300m
curved 5 degrees r=305m
curved 10 degrees r=305m

The new elements will be uploaded to the dls next week.

New functions:
- Straight elements are really straight (the built-in one is just seems to be straight...)
- Curved versions have detailed curves
- Attachment points are at level 0.00 (the built-in one is "floating")
- height adjustable
- script update: on process list, the built-in multi industry has limitation: 3 input -> 3 output, my multi industry has 10 input -> 5 output.

Sorry for my bad english...;)

krisz :)

I'm happy you saw my note, so you know the people out here in "Download Land" appreciate real improvements and good design. It makes our Trainz life less of a battle!

English versions would certainly be great for us Anglo's of course. At the same time, I did find it interesting to learn some Magyar just by comparing the words with the English text. Until now I didn't even know that Hungarian was really Magyar.

More power to you.

That is excellent news Krisz, they would be very useful for everyone.

Köszönöm szíves fáradozását! :hehe:



PS Your English is perfectly okay.

I'm happy you saw my note, so you know the people out here in "Download Land" appreciate real improvements and good design. It makes our Trainz life less of a battle!

English versions would certainly be great for us Anglo's of course. At the same time, I did find it interesting to learn some Magyar just by comparing the words with the English text. Until now I didn't even know that Hungarian was really Magyar.

More power to you.


Hello Dean! :)
English version will be available for every version of multi industry. :) Also, I will try to upload curved version of (simple) fixed track components next wek, because I miss them in Trainz Classics (but will be available for TRS2004 too), and I think they are powerful tools for planning tracks in a layout - I like to use them.

And here is a shot of a new project (I hope you will like it - and use it :hehe:) - in progress:


These are track spacing tools, track spacings are between 3,50 and 12 meters (for 2 tracks), and will be between 3,50 and 6,00 meters (for 3 and 5 tracks). 2 tracks versions have spline and track attachment points, so it will be so easy to make huge yards (I think).

They are in progress, release date - I don't know (I have no leisure time...:'()

Krisz ;)
Great stuff! :clap: I've wished we had height adjustable industries, and here they are. The English versions would be wonderful. I'm especially looking forward to the curved versions.
Your English is perfect.
My Magyar is limited to the word "Magyar".

:cool: Claude
Thank you. It is about time that someone made MIN smaller and height adjustable. I prefer MIN to Protolars because I can time production and consumption more effectively. English would be helpful too. Again thanks.:wave:
I've got a suggestion, don't know how it'll fly, but bekaember, if you rotate the final mesh 90 degrees you could then add the tag rotate-yz-range so that it doesn't have to lay perfectly level. I've done that on a few of my creations. A couple of tenths of a degree makes things lay nicer.
Hello guys!

Hi Claude! :) "Your English is perfect." Hehe... I'm trying...:hehe: But If I write something badly, please don't hesitate to correct me! ;):hehe:

Yes, you're right... ProtoLars is also a wonderful creation, but there is only one thing why I (also) prefer MUI: I can use those products what I need, and only those ones...

Hello Norm! Thank you for your words. :) I think I know what you mean, but as I remember a problem might come forward (I hope you will understand... my english is...:hehe:): So: If I have a mesh, if I rotate in Gmax 90 degrees (and will be parallel with "X" ccordinate), and I export it into TRS, If I place it in surveyor, it will be invisible... but if I move or rotate it, it appears...
I'm not sure, maybe I'm out in it. But I vill trave home on friday, and I will test your suggestion. If everything is fine, there will be rotated versions too. :)

Have a nice day :wave:
Krisz ;)
Krisz, yes I've had that happen with the mesh, but not the attached track. Like you say, try it and see what you think.
Tilting has no effect on loading/unloading as that's handled by the trigger and script. I wouldn't go bananas with tilting as your cars will start rolling, but just a small amount lots of times will eliminate that annoying flat spot if you're inserting something into already laid track.
No, what I mean is, the animation on open wagons involves a horizontal plane of product texture rising or falling to indicate loading or emptying of the wagon. Will it screw up the animation if the wagon is not horizontal?
No, what I mean is, the animation on open wagons involves a horizontal plane of product texture rising or falling to indicate loading or emptying of the wagon. Will it screw up the animation if the wagon is not horizontal?

Hello Dean, good morning everybody! :wave:

There won't have effent on animation, but will have effect on the object direction on your layout. So, as I plan, I will make 2 versions, "simple" and "90 deg. rotated" ones (by the way, everybody: will you need rotated versions for the curved ones?).
I tell you an example for the "directon effect": if you are using TRS2004, you can automaticly replace objects with TrainzObjectz. If you replace the hungarian versions of MUI with the "simple english" versions, everything will be OK. BUT if you replace the hungarian versions with the "90 deg. rotated" versions, you will have to rotate them manually in surveyor to the right direction what you need!

And there is one thing (I am not sure, but maybe it can happen, but I will test it on friday): If you will replace the objects with with TrainzObjectz, maybe you will have to reconfigure them.

The curved versions: the pivot point of the objects are at "a.track0a", not the center of the object. Because:
- I think it is easier to use them in surveyor; but the pivot point of the curved (normal) fixed tracks will be at the center of the object
- Think about the "undo-bug" in surveyor... My first-hand experience, it is easier to correct errors manually with these curved MUI objects.

Have a nice day:

Krisz ;)
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I've got a suggestion, don't know how it'll fly, but bekaember, if you rotate the final mesh 90 degrees you could then add the tag rotate-yz-range so that it doesn't have to lay perfectly level. I've done that on a few of my creations. A couple of tenths of a degree makes things lay nicer.

Hello Norm, good evening everybody! :)

I've travelled home, and I've begun creating and testing. So, I have a bad news: :(

Rotating is not supported for scenery and scripted objects that have track-attachment points (or is it...???). I've rotated my MUI 10m object in Gmax, and I've exported it to TRS format. I've added the tag "rotate-yz-range -90,90" to config.txt. Then I have tried to roll the MUI in surveyor (shift+"rotate"). Nothing has happened.
Then I've tried this tag on a "normal" scenery object of mine, it has worked.
After it, I have tried it on one of my scenery object with track attachment points, and again, nothing has happened. :confused:

So, I think there's no need to create "rotated" versions of MUI. But english version of the package is on the way...:hehe:

Have a nice weekend:

From my testing, the rotation of industries seems to work ok in TRS2006 and later, but not in 2004.


Oh yes... relly :hehe: I've checked in TC and it works fine :hehe:. OK, there will be rotated version (but only for the straight versions).

Krisz :wave: