How to configure industries in TR06

After 2 years of fun with TR04 I have now upgraded to TR06 (possibly a mistake)

With TR04, I understood how the various types of multiple industries worked but I cant seem to get these new industries to work.

I'm looking at the Wadalbavale route and Wattle Creek goods Shed as as an example... G4 Goods Shed (PL)

How do I configure this to work with NSWGR rolling stock or any rolling stock for that matter ?? The manual isnt much use :(
Unlike TRS2004, TRS2006 MIs require that you specify the goods to be loaded at the vehicle, not the industry. So you set up the industry the same as you would in 04 (set the commodity and initial amount under Queues, then the production/consumption rate under Processes, then the Load/Unload operation under Tracks, and so on).

Now place your rolling-stock on the track (anywhere on the map, it doesn't matter). Then select each car in turn with the "?" renaming icon - if the car is industry-enabled, you'll see a list of commodities that car can carry. Select the commodity from your industry, and OK. Now that car will pick up/drop off that commodity from that industry.

Hope this helps.
Thanks Mystikan, I had done all that, but nothing seemed to be happening

I now realise that you have to WAIT for a few minutes for the wagons to be loaded !! This is really good....