how to choose favorites in Surveyor?


New member
Iss there a way to enable choosing from only the rolling stock I have picked as Favorites when placing consists in Surveyor Mode?
Open the trains menue, just right to the line to indicate the name yof your selected item you find a red bulb. This is the favorite mode toggle.

Right, but when I choose which trains I want to place in Surveyor Mode, there is like a million to choose from. How can I have Surveyor mode only display the trains I chose as my Favorites?
You have to select your favourites in Railyard by clicking on the red button alongside the item. It will turn green. Click on the favourites button will then just list your favourites. It's all explained in the manual you know.
Yes. In TRS2006, use keywords to mark your favorites, or your selection for a particular route and then use the search function in Surveyor. This works for groundtextures too.
And again -
I know how to open Railyard and enable it to show my Favorites. Now, I open up Surveyor and choose a route. On the right of the screen I select "F7 Trains", and the menu opens. I can select trains or whole consists. I can rotate the trains. I can enable it to only show me trains from Italy if I want. BUT, can I enable this menu to ONLY list the trains I have picked as Favorites from the Railyard? Please, does someone understand? :'(
Once you have marked trains as favorites in railyard, and have opened the train menu in Surveyor to select a loco or car, look for the red dot to the right of the top selection line. Click it so it shows green and only your favorites will be listed.
Yes. In TRS2006, use keywords to mark your favorites, or your selection for a particular route and then use the search function in Surveyor. This works for groundtextures too.

Im not quite sure I follow you. Could you give me more specifics? What I'm wanting to do is have a Favorites list in Surveyer of buildings, etc. so I don't have to scroll down the entire list everytime. Any help would be appriciated. Thanks.
Could you give me more specifics?

Sure. Lets say just for an example that you want to do a winter route, and you want to select a bunch of buildings, trees, track and ground textures appropriate for a winter scene. Open up CMP and select the item you wish to include on your list. Right click on it and select "Edit keywords" from the menu. In the menu that will now appear select "Add".
Add a keyword such as "winterroute" has to be one word. If you want to add several keywords, place them with , or ; between them with no spaces, such as: "winterroute,snow,winter". Now click OK and exit the menus. Pick the rest of your items.

Now you should use the BACK UP KEYWORDS command from CMP's file menu, so that if CMP or Trainz crashes you will be able to reimport your keywords into the game. This might take a few minutes, so wait for the screen to pop up telling you it has been done.

Now when you open Surveyor and you want to look for your keyword stuff, go to the menu bar at the top of the screen and look for the content search filter icon on the left. Click on it and type in your keyword, in this case "winterroute". What will now show up in the selection menus for Paint, Objects, Tracks and Trains is only the stuff with the correct keyword. You can save the search filter keyword so that you don't have to type it in each time, just as you can save an author's trainz user name, in my case "gfisher".

This is a very useful little utility and I use it all the time.
Yes. In TRS2006, use keywords to mark your favorites, or your selection for a particular route and then use the search function in Surveyor. This works for groundtextures too.

Hello.......The "groundtextures" part sounds like what I have been wanting, but I am at TRS2004:confused: . I have used TrainzObjectz to delete/disable those I rarely use.

I would love to have a "texture category" called FAVORITES, and then drag those textures I want to it, rather than to the ADVANCED section as it currently works, since it seems that there is a maximum number that can be dragged there. I dont recall reading any mention of a number though.

I would love to isolate textures that relate to sand and desert, and combine them to get the desired effect.:udrool: Thanks to all for any TRS2004 suggestions.:wave: