How to attach multiple industry track new to an industry building?


New member
How can you attach "multiple industry new" to an industrial building? The intent is to couple the two together so that the builidng consumes and produces products.
As I understand it (and very much subject to correction by experts) Multiple Industry New is just a section of track which looks normal but behaves in a special manner. Obviously it can input, output, generate and consume products. Less obviously, it can take on the appearance of adjoining track. Unlike the previous industries, it doesn't have any buildings or industry animations associated with it. You can position any other normal scenery buildings anywhere you wish nearby as you desire.

Sorry, I'm not sure whether or not the rolling stock loading and unloading animations can be made to play with Multiple Industry New.

HTH, John
My understanding is you can place this track by any building you want. When you set up your session, you are actually programming the track to consume and emmit products. As stated above, I don't know if the animation works either.

Animations works fine on the cars but not on the ground. For that to happen aswell you could try Loading ramp IND 2:148778:27213:2 on DLS.

The animations are indeed triggered on the cars.

When designing an interactive industry many have an attached track where you set up what the industry produces or consumes. The "multiple industry new" is very superior to what it allows you to set up in this way.

Bascially I want this to be the attached track for an industry but not sure how this would be done or if it is even possible. Has anyone done this yet and if so how did you do it?
You can't attach an industry track to a building but some of the industry tracks (like the ProtoLARS tracks) allow you to link several such tracks together so that they operate as one industry, producing products only if they have enough of the required input products on hand. I actually have not yet used the "Multiple Industry New" but hopefully it has something similar to the linking offered by the ProtoLARS tracks.

- Madeline :)

The Multiple Industry New can't be attached as such to another industry or building, but can be placed next to another industry or building to make it look like it is.

Example, screenshot below:

There are 2 tracks, the left track has a M.I.N (Multiple Industry New) placed next to the builtin Lumber Mill to make it look like that its part of the industry with a building beside it, the right track is part of the attached track of the Lumber Mill.

Another example below:

The right most track, where the steel train is about to unload, has a M.I.N place next to the building which is pretending to be a steel exporter industry. The small 'signs' you can see next to the track shows the position of the M.I.N so we know where to stop for unloading.

Your imagination is really the limit to the M.I.N, if setup correctly it can be made into any industry you want... ;)

This layout is still being constructed, i'll get it finished one day... :)