Haven't played in at least a year and now i cant think of how to use the iPortals with other people. Can someone update my Wii-and-new-PC-game-aftermath self?
ya would u like 2 be in a iportal club, if so pm me
and i will give you the link 2 are site, once you have registered you will be put twiht the group and be added to are line, with a iportal buddy alos on are line
Hi would you like to be in a iportal club, if so pm me and i will give you the link toour site, once you have registered you will be put with the group and be added to our line, with a iportal buddy also on our line
Hi would you like to be in a iportal club? if so pm me andI will give you the link toour site.Once you have registered you will be put with the group and be added to our line, with a iportal buddy also on our line
Originally Posted by engine49 Hi would you like to be in a iPortal club?If so pm me andI will give you the link toour site.Once you have registered you will be introduced to the group and be added to ouriPortal Systems, and you will be given the information to add all of our other group members to your iPortal System
Hiwulodyoulkieto be in a iortpal culb?If so pm me andIwlil gvie you the lniktoourstie. Ocne you hvae rgestireed you wlil be itoureucd to the gourp and be adedd to ouriaportl Steyms, and you wlil be gevin the iormfotaoin to add all of our ohetr gorup mbemrs to yuor iortapl Sstyem