How long (in meters) can a dighole be?


Since 2001
Hey -- :wave:

I know that a long time ago dig hole were limited, but that was then, so has anyone experiment with dig holes with at least 200m long, and if so, have you have succeed?

The one that I've made shows up in surveyor, but it does not displayed as a dig hole, where as his counterpart 100m has no problems as a dig hole!

Thanks in advance!
A dighole can be a maximum of 480x10 or any equivalent of that.
However, there is a bug in TS12 (not tested it in other versions) that "covers" or ignores part of the dighole when it is overlapping the line between 120 (or was it 240m?) of the edge of a baseboard.

What are you trying to achieve?

You probably can do it with a combination of digholes. Here are a few I have already put on the DLS:
Dighole 120x10m north - south,<kuid2:645812:98001:1>
Dighole 120x10m east - west,<kuid2:645812:98002:2>
Dighole 240m north - south,<kuid:645812:98003>
Dighole 240m east - west,<kuid:645812:98004>
Dighole 60m north - south,<kuid:645812:98005>
Dighole 60m east - west,<kuid:645812:98006>
Dighole 30m north - south,<kuid:645812:98007>
Dighole 30m east - west,<kuid:645812:98008>
Dighole 60x60m,<kuid:645812:98009>
Dighole 120x20m north - south,<kuid:645812:98011>
Dighole 120x20m east - west,<kuid:645812:98012>​
I've done digholes ages ago, but you've confirmed what I thought ... that bug is still there!

Dig hole issue that I had was 200x4.5 (anyone re-confirm, if so, I will re-check my figures later)

Achieving with this?
A combination of things, sir -- in a nutshell, glance at the screenshot below:

Thanks for your feedback! :wave:

The 100m no problem:
Not sure if that is exactly the road you want to make the trench for, but if a 2x2 lane road does the trick, consider my T4 trenches:
Trench T4 ramp,<kuid:645812:6261>
Trench T4 open,<kuid:645812:6262>
Trench T4 cut end 27,<kuid:645812:6263>
Trench T4 cut end 45,<kuid:645812:6264>
Trench T4 cut end 63,<kuid:645812:6265>
Trench T4 bridge T1,<kuid2:645812:6266:1>
Trench T4 bridge 08m,<kuid:645812:6267>
Trench T4 bridge 10m,<kuid:645812:6268>
Trench T4 bridge 15m,<kuid:645812:6269>
Trench T4 bridge 20m,<kuid:645812:6270>
Trench T4 stairs block,<kuid2:645812:6271:3>
Trench T4 semi transition end block,<kuid:645812:6273>
Trench T4 semi,<kuid:645812:6274>
Trench T4 footbridge,<kuid:645812:6276>
Trench T4 x T2 cross in trench,<kuid:645812:6295>​

It should fit the "YARN L4 DL2 -Si +Sh" (kuid2:124017:26020:1) or similar roads.

If you have a different road or structure in mind, let me know and I could consider uploading an adjusted set of trenches to fit your need.
Hey -- :wave:

After giving it some thought, I have an idea how to go about this, still using the dig holes idea in mind, but keeping it simple! -- However, thanks for your offer, most appreciated! :wave: -- I'll keep that in mind for the future! LOL

Take Care
Now if some super smart Trainzer could just figure out how to make digholes part of a spline. Could be used with roads and rails in trenches plus canals.

Would need to know how digholes are done in Trainz code I'd suspect and might not work on curves but would greatly simplify straight section construction.

Ben (the dreamer).:hehe:
Does it have a built-in dighole? That's what I was (sort of) wondering about.

If it does its fantastic.

Morning All --

Dig holes is one of those features that N3V should focus on in later years, as they add-on packages to TANE -- right now Dig hole is very limited in how one can use it -- Either that, or allowed the baseboard to be lower in a squarely fashion! :hehe:

Does it have a built-in dighole? That's what I was (sort of) wondering about.

If it does its fantastic.
I am sorry but no.
What you see is a spline in a curve with enough digholes to make the trench possible. After that I used two road splines to cover the gaps outside of the spline.

But it did created the requested illusion :) .
I am sorry but no.
What you see is a spline in a curve with enough digholes to make the trench possible. After that I used two road splines to cover the gaps outside of the spline.

But it did created the requested illusion :) .

It's a great illusion though. :)
As I said before it looks fantastic no matter how it was made.

Digholes are a necessary evil. Can't live with them and can't live without them. Making them a lot more versatile would be a great addition to T:ANE.

The idea of being able to lower an individual baseboard square has merit:
1. The lowered baseboard square could be textured as desired.
2. Structures could be applied to it.

On the other hand:
1. What about the sides? If you try to lower a single baseboard square now the adjacent baseboard squares slope on angles. This is great for scenery but in general would not be desirable for most items needing digholes.
2. The lowered baseboard square would have to generate vertical "sides".
3. These "sides" should be able to accept ground textures.

An interesting idea for T:ANE but a ways down the pike I'm sure (assuming it is possible).

I got to thinking about what sort of added versatility could be applied to a dighole and can only think of one. A turntable pit is of course round and needs a dighole but that dighole is square. Something must be added to the pit mesh to "cover" that part of the dighole square that is not in the pit. This works of course but can often look a bit goofy. What if there was a very special texture that could be applied to part of a dighole that would "hide" the blue dighole cover and allow a normal ground cover texture to be applied of top of it. This could also be used for transfer tables, inspection pits, drop tables, tracks & roads in trenches, and canals I'd think. Would make using the darn things a heck of a lot easier.

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Good Morning Ben -- :wave:

I just hope your post makes it back to N3V HQ --

Now that TANE sits on a 64 bit platform, its' range of features can possibly be endless ... time will tell if N3V takes advantage of their work horse, which from reading the Trainz Dev, things look very promising!

Hi Ish:

Yup - oodles, heaps, and gobs of room in T:ANE for beneficial changes as time goes by.

A T:ANE suggestion thread has been proposed but hasn't been implemented as yet. Tis a very good idea though perhaps a bit early for one as yet.

Hi Ish:

Yup - oodles, heaps, and gobs of room in T:ANE for beneficial changes as time goes by.

A T:ANE suggestion thread has been proposed but hasn't been implemented as yet. Tis a very good idea though perhaps a bit early for one as yet.


Hello Ben --

I send a suggestion to the suggestion box about this issue, which I actually copy and pasted your idea, but it didn't land --- Hopefully N3V read these posts to give your idea merit!

Most of my ideas tend to be of the "pie in the sky by and by" sort.:hehe: Serious wishful thinking on my part.

Actually I've been thinking a bit more about the idea of a texture that could be applied to a dighole and my conclusions are not good. A ground texture needs something to attach to (the surface of a baseboard square). A baseboard square with a dighole applied does not have a surface. instead it is (in theory) a bottomless void. In reality I'm sure there is a limit to how far below the normal baseboard surface an item can be placed. So this "special" texture has to act like a baseboard surface and at the same time act like a ground texture. Might be two diametrically opposite things who's properties are un-combinable.

Most of my ideas tend to be of the "pie in the sky by and by" sort.:hehe: Serious wishful thinking on my part.

Actually I've been thinking a bit more about the idea of a texture that could be applied to a dighole and my conclusions are not good. A ground texture needs something to attach to (the surface of a baseboard square). A baseboard square with a dighole applied does not have a surface. instead it is (in theory) a bottomless void. In reality I'm sure there is a limit to how far below the normal baseboard surface an item can be placed. So this "special" texture has to act like a baseboard surface and at the same time act like a ground texture. Might be two diametrically opposite things who's properties are un-combinable.


That's sounds very unique, Ben --

Additionally, talking about the baseboard I was thinking of how to make an invisible baseboard ... not the whole thing, obviously, but tiny portions of it -- why this? Well, there are items which are Kind:Buildable, and can't be rise, but having the board invisible it will fool these items into thinking they're still attached to the board, thus rising them! --- Yeah, I know there's more to it, like how would texture be effected and / or water if a bridge is raised in this manner ... you will see a big blank hole under the support pillars, as if the bridge has rised by some unimaginable force, but I don't have the logistic yet how to overcome those obstacles :hehe:

An invisible baseboard... I would think that might be possible. This is more or less a giant dig hole. You will need to include some kind of edge where the ground is cut, but the big dig hole will remove the baseboard parts you don't want. These assets basically block or remove the grey grid texture in some fashion, which makes the hole in the mesh. By applying this to larger areas, you now have the removed areas. Being really creative, these could probably be made into different shapes such as curved areas and even angles, though because the areas have to be masked at 90-degree angles, a triangle or curve might be impossible.

In the past I have made different shaped baseboard areas, like for a diorama using a very low area colored black. This effectively chopped the baseboard areas smaller, but the baseboard was still there. This was done way back when we were first discussing modelTrainz layouts about 5 years ago.

I hope my thoughts are helpful with this.

Kind buildable can go up and down. Just add the height adjust line to the config file.

height-adjust (tab) -20,20

Gives + and - 20 meter vertical adjustment.
