How does one remove the 'trash bin'?


Narrow gauge or nothing
Hi all,
I've just re-formatted and re-installed XP Pro and now have that darn trash bin larking down in the right hand corner of my desk top. I have it disabled because when I say, DELETE, I mean it.
Can anyone here point me in the right direction to REMOVE that thing off of my desk top, please?

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Do a web search for "remove recycle bin" and you should get a few tech geek sites to help you customize your desk top.

:cool: Claude
Not a good idea to remove the Recycle Bin entirely. Right-Click on the Recycle Bin icon and choose Properties, then in the Global tab, tick the box next to "Do not move files to the Recycle Bin. Remove files immediately when deleted".
Microsoft's PowerToys TweakUI can do what you want.

Go to

In the righthand column, download TweakUI.exe and run the downloaded program to install it.

In TweakUI, click "Desktop". Then tick or untick each desktop shortcut as desired: Internet Explorer, My Computer, My Documents, My Network Places, and Recycle Bin. This only removes the desktop shortcuts to these items, not the items themselves. They remain fully operative and can be accessed in Windows Explorer.

You might want to consider reducing the amount of hard disk space allocated to the Recycle Bin as be default it is far too large. Similarly the amount of space allocated to System Restore and the Interner Explorer cache.

In TweakUI, don't disable Logon > Show '<username>' On Welcome Screen or you may not be able to restart the computer. Also, don't disable any drive letters or Windows may not sense external USB drives (hard disks, CD/DVD drives, and/or flash memory key drives) when they are plugged in.

To delete a file instead of moving it to the Recycle Bin, hold down the shift key when using the delete option in the Windows Explorer and File > Open dialogue box right-click menus, etc.

HTH, John
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Got it! Thanks. It was a breeze from the Google search Tokkyu40 suggested.

It was DEactivated, DIsabled then DEleted, Casey.

I've used TweakUI before but have never found it all that usefull, IMO. Thank you, too, John. (I had forgotten the name, though.)


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