How do you install HOG textures?


FVRR member
I have DLed them but I have no clue how to install them even with some of the ways I've already seen people do it I stll can't get them to work. I want to use them with 06. Is it even possible to use them with 06?
Thanks in advance.
It's been a while since I've done it, but I think all you have to do is use CMP to "import" the HOG files from the normal ZIP file you get them in. Just download the HOG files ZIP and aim CMP at it to import.

If I'm wrong somebody will correct me I'm sure.

Here's an excerpt from an old forum guide...

Trainz Luvr Web Site For HOG Download

Click on the "files" tab

Download EACH of the five files, by clicking on the file name or the icon at its left.

The downloaded files are each updates to the earlier ones, so each one must be installed in turn into the same folder.

Click on each of the downloaded ".zip" files, installing each one in turn, in numerical order, starting with "", unzipping its files into your HOG folder.
Each time, let any files replace earlier ones of the same name.

Hope this helps. :D