how do u do it?


New member
man i see all thees nice pics and wonder how do u do it:confused: there beutefull.
i need help with my trackwork and senery it is horibel i dont now how to do it can u give me sum tips. i cant post pics of my work cuz im not allowd yet is there a serten amont of posts u need to have?:(
man i see all thees nice pics and wonder how do u do it:confused: there beutefull.
i need help with my trackwork and senery it is horibel i dont now how to do it can u give me sum tips. i cant post pics of my work cuz im not allowd yet is there a serten amont of posts u need to have?:(

The most obvious answer to your question is practice.:D

What you can do is download a route off the DS and have a look at what the author did. Have a look at where buildings are placed, how the trees are arranged etc. You can learn a bit by looking at what others have done.
do you know how to post pictures?.....upload to imageshack, photobucket or anyother picture hosting site...with photobucket you post pics by getting the link provided under the picture(or just copy and paste) then go to fourms and when your posting look up on the tool bar that has the bold, italics, and underline buttons, go to the right until you see a mountain with a moon and yellow sky(a button) and click on it, then paste the link to your picture. for image shack if you wanna post the full picture then after you upload scroll down and look fot a link to the "direct link" or "direct image" and copy that then repeat the last step...that how you upload images.

What Sfrr says is good, just to add to it. You can not upload a picture off of your computer to these forums it first must be uploaded to a website, your own or one like described above.
i cant post pics of my work cuz im not allowd yet is there a serten amont of posts u need to have?:(

yes but i was just awnsering to his "opinion" above.....theres no time limit you have until you can upload, thats outrageous...

and Colhad watch you mouth!!!:p

Damn, I thought sadekey101 was asking how people do nice routes.:confused:
That, too. So here's my "secrets".:D
Vary the ground texture. That does more to affect how a layout looks than most other techniques. Find two or three similar textures, dial the circle down fairly small and sweep some texture across the ground. Keep mixing them up so your wilderness doesn't end up looking like His Lordships lawn.
Also, textures render from farther away than objects, at least on my computer, so if you have a forest, back it up with forest textures on the ground so it doesn't look like the trees just appear out of nowhere as you approach a bare slope. (:o I've had that problem with my early efforts.)
Rolling hills are done by dialing the circle up big and the sensitivity down low and sweeping across the terrain.
(We do a lot of sweeping in this game. It's all good clean fun.)
Also, remember that the real layout usually looks good, but not as good as the pictures. We all pick and choose the best angles to make the best pictures we can.
For the rest, Colhad is right. It's like the directions to get to Carnegie Hall. "Practice".:D Start small, one or two boards. Fail. Stop halfway through building a layout and erase it because it doesn't look right. Over time you'll find that fewer of your layouts get erased and some actually look good enough you'll want to upload them for others to play with. Let us know when you do.:)
Good luck.

:cool: Claude
make sure you also up load FRAPs or IrfanView so the screen shot come up in the correct format on the computer. (IrfanView works best). and an other note if you use copy and paste the first code of the 3 thats the one that works the most.