How do I make a video???


route builder
I've seen a couple of video clips on Youtube and other places taken from within Trainz. That's real cool, and a nice way to show friends what you're working on or driving.
But can anyone tell me how and with what software they did those videos??
I saw one apparently made with "frapps", but I downloaded the demo from them and that does not work.
Any good ideas???
you sould use Camtasia Studio(demo) fraps( sould learn how to use it)or snagit(demo) if you want the full thing purchese a serial code.(i dont now for fraps
thank you.
I downloaded fraps again (demo) and now it works, except I get no sound.
Will have a look at the others. I will purchase whatever, but I like to try the demos first to see how things work.
I suspect (but experts may wish to comment) that you need a very powerful computer to be able to run both Trainz and a video capture program at the same time.

Personally, I use WisdomSoft Auto Screen Recorder Free, as the name suggests, it is completely free, with optional registration.
I suspect (but experts may wish to comment) that you need a very powerful computer to be able to run both Trainz and a video capture program at the same time.


Not really. I use Fraps and Trainz together and I have a low-end system.
thank you.
I downloaded fraps again (demo) and now it works, except I get no sound.
Will have a look at the others. I will purchase whatever, but I like to try the demos first to see how things work.

Does your computer use an onboard soundcard? (i.e. one that is on the motherboard.) Mine did and I also could get no sound recored with Fraps. I upgraded to a SB Audigy sound card and now Fraps records sound just fine.

Personally, I use WisdomSoft Auto Screen Recorder Free, as the name suggests, it is completely free, with optional registration.

I like this one because there is no time limit on the length so I don't have to splice clips together with MS movie maker. The only problem is I cant get any sound playback. I have a Sound blaster X-FI Estreme and have tried all different settings to see if that would help and nothing. Does anybody know how to get the sound to work?
Note I do get sound playback with Fraps but you can only record 30 sec with the free version.
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Zdsoft's Game Recorder works for me. It has a handy framerate indicator that sits in the top corner while it's running, and it's very easy to use. They claim a lower system use penalty than Fraps (important for Trainz), though I haven't compared the two personally.
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Zdsoft's Game Recorder works for me. It has a handy framerate indicator that sits in the top corner while it's running, and it's very easy to use. They claim a lower system use penalty than Fraps (important for Trainz), though I haven't compared the two personally.

Fraps resource usage increases with capture resolution size. If you keep the capture res down to at least 320x240, it should run smoothly.
I use the fraps demo (

it will record 30 seconds of video, which for me is more then enough. then just use windows movie make (which comes with Windows XPSP2) and cut the video together, then save it
Just a quick follow-up FYI: Comparing Fraps with Game Recorder, I think Fraps does have the edge, though there isn't much in it really. I also found Direct X performed better with both apps than OpenGL (I use a low-end ATI card). This was at 1152 x 864. With a lower resolution results would be even better.

Don't bother with Freez or Camstudio (well try them, but I got useless results with both).
As a follow up to my earlier post the free version of wisdomsoft doesn't record sound so back to Fraps for me, still the best free video maker that I've tried.