How can we honor our departed friend H_J_P???


New member
An idea I had, which might make a fine community project...

I remember Alastair having a locomotive of his own, a Reston maybe? How about we build a Trainz model of it? We could even skin it draped in black crepe with flowers on the front, like a parade hearse, and a banner saying something like "Farewell, Alastair" or something like that, as a kind of living memorial.

An asset like this would be around for years to come, helping keep our friend's memory alive for the generations of Trainz fans yet to come. I think I would probably place it on an elevated rail near the main station in my favorite layout like the many honorary preserved for display locomotives you see in (far too few) places today.

Just a thought.

Maybe this could be a call to Kemplen to finish it and release as a memorial to HJP? :)
That would be good.
Another idea would be to create a Cenotaph/Memorial Statue, dedicated to Alastair' memory, containing a plaque with some details of his life and his contributions to our community. Each of us could find a central place for this in our layouts, it could be 'updated' each year with fresh flowers etc.
A virtual remembrance service.
Newbies, could read this and understand what Alastair meant to the community.
Another thought on the above:
Plaques could be placed around the Cenotaph, containing the user names of any member who wish to 'Add Condolences', this would make it a true community project.
Another option would be to add names of other community members who 'Take the final train ride', although, it will always be known as Alastair's Memorial.
an idea

when the loco comes out.....I was thinking of making a memorial movie for him. A few minutes of the loco and put to the music of Free bird. Have any coments?
when the loco comes out.....I was thinking of making a memorial movie for him. A few minutes of the loco and put to the music of Free bird. Have any coments?

I think Free Bird would be a poor choice, as it's somewhat overplayed. Perhaps Wish You Were Here?
I think the Loco is a great idea and a memorial is too.

Some may not remember this but Meridious made a "general" memorial for all our lost Trainz friends kuid 87907:25018, "TRS Memorial Tribute".

I have emailed Mike and asked if he could look at this thread and see if he can come up with an idea.

R.I.P. Alastair.


EDIT: Meridous has just replied and would be more then happy to work on a memorial. The idea of little plaques is a good one, but that would only be for individual layouts/routes. If we can come up with some idea of what would be fitting to place on a general plaque on the actual memorial, then everyone can use it and upload there own layouts. Maybe flowers around it?
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Well I made my own little loc reskin in his memory. However Im sure someone here will pick it apart and say its not good enough,but anyway its what I can do.
I can't model and I'm not very good at skinning, but I'll do whatever I can to help with this project.

You all influenced me in the announcment thread so much that I am willing to do anything for someone I never even knew was here.

R.I.P. Alastair.

In fact, here's a little something I did as a preliminary...

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I think the Loco is a great idea and a memorial is too.

Some may not remember this but Meridious made a "general" memorial for all our lost Trainz friends kuid 87907:25018, "TRS Memorial Tribute".

I have emailed Mike and asked if he could look at this thread and see if he can come up with an idea.

R.I.P. Alastair.


EDIT: Meridous has just replied and would be more then happy to work on a memorial. The idea of little plaques is a good one, but that would only be for individual layouts/routes. If we can come up with some idea of what would be fitting to place on a general plaque on the actual memorial, then everyone can use it and upload there own layouts. Maybe flowers around it?

Hi Craig/Meridious
I think the plaque should reflect the feelings of his many friends in the community, and also give an insight to his contributions to this. A full description could be added via the config,. Newbies (Who are joining everyday) would then understand this.
If I remember correctly, Alastair was one of the first members to answer my question many years ago, when I first started in the forum.
What did surprise me reading through the thread (that this one is a spin-off from), is I read that the 'Virtual Driver Alastair' is actually based on a true life photo of Alastair, is this correct. If it is perhaps this could be included.

PS, Sorry, Forget the last question, just visited the other thread. Bit spooky actually, it answerd my question directly to the point.
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I have an idea..... I don't know HJP Well, but i made a billboard for a journey concert for ,y route, so i was thinking if cahnging the paint to a memorial. Then it would be that plaing don't stop believen or other song in trainz..... just my idea.