How can I buy a hard copy of Settle 2 Carlisle


Is it possible to buy a hard copy, i.e CD or DVD version of S&C as I am very wary of downloading from Planet Auran. Most of the stuff from PA has lots of missing dependancies and I'm not happy about laying out hard cash for shoddy goods!
I would be grateful if anyone could tell me, if the fantastic Settle to Carlisle route can be purchased in DVD or CD fashion. Best Wishes Zapata935
Just had a look on the Auran/N3V shop - it appears not.

The only currently available option is digital download, unless another member knows of a reputable (and authorised) stockist that would have that particular addon.


I had a look on ebay and Amazon, but, nothing doing, I then did a bit of Googling and turned up our Trainzy friends in New Zealand who have the DVD for sale, but, you'll have to wait a week or 2 for it to be delivered.

If not, have a look around the internet, there may be someone a bit closer to the UK, with a copy for sale.

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.
Cheers Fella's

Thanks for your replies. The reason I asked this question is that my PC is getting a bit long in the tooth and I've had an older PC motherboard go pop, bang fizz on me before. Lost all the data from the hard drives! Everything.
That's why, I'm unsure about paying for downloaded stuff. I understand that I can burn the data onto a DVD or CD for safety, but again all this trainz stuff seems to be triple coded for revenue protection. I apologise for being a grumpy, tight fisted old b*****d. Once again thanks for the help and advice.
Best Wishes Zapata935
Thanks for your replies. The reason I asked this question is that my PC is getting a bit long in the tooth and I've had an older PC motherboard go pop, bang fizz on me before. Lost all the data from the hard drives! Everything.
That's why, I'm unsure about paying for downloaded stuff. I understand that I can burn the data onto a DVD or CD for safety, but again all this trainz stuff seems to be triple coded for revenue protection. I apologise for being a grumpy, tight fisted old b*****d. Once again thanks for the help and advice.
Best Wishes Zapata935

You have a very legitimate concern. I've had the same thing happen to me not too long ago, and to make matter worse, it happened while I was out of work!

Anyway, if you do download the S&C from Auran/N3V, you can always get it again. Your serial number and your product will be listed in your order history. You can click on the link and redownload your purchase again. I've done this a few times myself when I was lazy and didn't want to check my bookcase in the other room where I keep my software.
