Hog Files??????


To many projects.....
Hello Everyone,

I don't know how many times this question has been asked. I have downloaded a blank route and in the description it says " This was made with the Hog utility and you will need the Hog textures installed to see the vector lines in Surveyor." I have downloaded these HOG files but where do i unzip them to???? This is very confusing. Can anyone can give me and help or step by step directions or something. This is quite frustrating

Are you using 04 or 06? If 06,unzip them,to your desktop or where ever you wish. Open CMP,thenclick file,import content,then direct cmp to the hog files which you just extracted.
No actually im using 04. Im guessing that would be a more complicated process???
Its actually quite easy in 2004. Once you unzip the HOG file to any location, you just then transfer the files/folders into Auran/TRS2004/world/dispatcher/downloads. You will have to make sure to delete your chump file for the items to show up.

Hope this helps

Go to Auran/Cache and find world_cache_Dispatcher.chump and delete that. TRS will rebuild it next time you start up TRS and then the Hog files will show up.

Another easier way that I do is to have a small CDP on my desk top and reload that, this then deletes the old chump file and again TRS will re-build it for you.

Hope helps, let me know how you go.

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i deleted the chump file and nothing happened. I think i should make this a little clearer. I downloaded the Long Island NY route by fishlipsatwork. It said i needed the tiger lines overlaid. I need the tiger lines and a place to download them. I dont think i need any TransDEM things or anything like that. All i need are the simple lines
Its actually quite easy in 2004. Once you unzip the HOG file to any location, you just then transfer the files/folders into Auran/TRS2004/world/dispatcher/downloads.

I too am using TRS 2004 but I put them in .../TRS2004/world/custom/textures

And they show up on any of the maps that need the hog files.
Hi Anthony.

Firstly, forget the HOG files, you don't need them. All you need is the HOG textures.

Download 'textures.zip' from Fishlips site here.

Unzip the downloaded file to the desktop.

Navigate to the folder c:/program files/auran/trs2004/world/custom.

Create a new folder called ground inside the custom folder. FYI the new folder only needs to be called 'ground' if you intend to use the HOG program, otherwise the textures can be anywhere.

Move all the unzipped HOG Texture files into the new folder you just created (presumably world/custom/ground).

That's it. No need to delete chumps or anything else, just fire up TRS04 and enjoy the route...

Andy :)
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Navigate to the folder c:/program files/auran/trs2004/world/custom.

Create a new folder called ground inside the custom folder. FYI the new folder only needs to be called 'ground' if you intend to use the HOG program, otherwise the textures can be anywhere.

Correct, That's why I put them in a texture folder.
well......................it worked. I finally got it, but not without the help of all of you. Thank you very much.


P.S. I may sound like a noob but i have had trainz for 3+ years......LOL