High capacity flat and well cars


Well-known member
For those interested, I have uploaded a session that uses high capacity flat and well cars on IndustRail 1a:


The session begins at Picton Transfer and involves running south to deliver the three transformers and the structural steel and plate to Sparks Power Station.

At Sparks some complex switching may be required to unload the transformers at the unloading dock at the head of the reversing triangle (at the west side of the power station complex), loading the 4-axle VR well cars that are already there, and parking the plate and steel for unloading (they will not actually unload).

The loaded 4-axle wells are then taken back north to Dunedin and unloaded at the Container Depot next to the Teamsters Yard.

Sign off at the Dunedin Loco Depot.

The freight cars will load and unload when stationary between the yellow markers and bumper at Sparks, and between the yellow markers at Dunedin.

You are authorized to travel at up to 50mph except in yard areas where normal limits apply.

AI trainz will also be running south at 4 minute headways; remember to give way to them at squeeze points.

The session should take about 60 minutes to complete.

Maps and a readme are included in the folder containing the session.

The Auran Trainz crew are taking a well deserved break, so the session will probably not be available until the middle of next week.

It can, however, be downloaded at:


The zip file contains the cdp file for the session and two pdf files with maps of IndustRail and a primmer on driving trainz in cab mode.

Two external dependencies are needed, the 370 ton multi-axle flat car and the gas generator load. These can be downloaded from uslw at:

If you download the zip file, to avoid the "Missing Dependencies" black screen of death I'd also suggest downloading these dependencies from the Download Station using Download Helper or CMP, kuids:

You should also have "IndustRail 1a", kuid 69871:14309, installed.

Comments and questions welcome here.

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That sounds like an interesting session. I might have to try it.
Those steal beams do look like they were made for those flats. :cool:

IM at a bit of a loss here i cant download slave-drivers 370 flat car ,CMP opens up and says "failed to install asset" ive tried re downloading it several times but its a no go. Any suggestions?:confused:
This has been sitting in the bottom draw of my HDD for some time.

Just got round to uploading it. It's on the Download Station now.

Yard Master out.
It could be that you firewall setting is to high. Some people are having this problem with the USLW DL site. Right after you select "I agree (download)" press and hold the "Ctrl" key on your keyboard to temporarily disable your firewall so you can start the download.

thanks caddylars
I was having the same problem. I seem to have gotten past the firewall problem and it appears to have downloaded. Now to start Trainz and see if it's there.