
How big did you want them? If they won't get any bigger,but you can make them smaller,then they are as big as they are going to get.
Regards Bruce
If you mean you don't know how to make them bigger, open the Terrain tab in Surveyor then click on Advanced at the bottom.Point the cursor at the edge of your current Map you want to extend then click "Extend"...:cool:
Doh!! I obviously mis-read his post.When he said map,I was thinking of the mini-map in surveyor.Dumb bunny or what?
Regards Bruce
can you guys help me, when i enter survayor mode i cant make the maps get any bigger, why?
Here's what you do(or, what I do).

1. Go to surveyor, and start two new routes. Make them a name you'll remember, like tile 1.
2. Save them just the way they are.
3. Open one of them back up(this is the one you'll be making your route on).
4. When you've finished making your train route on that tile, bring up the menu(it's at the top of the screen).
5. Go to file, and click on Merge route.
6. Scroll down to the other empty tile you created, and press Ok.
7. Put it in the position you want your route to go in. You can do this over and over again(repeat steps 5-7).
@ BStyles - suggest you read lewisner's post above and save yourself a world of heartache :) There is a one-click alternative to the create-save-merge-save rigmarole....

@ BStyles - suggest you read lewisner's post above and save yourself a world of heartache :) There is a one-click alternative to the create-save-merge-save rigmarole....


However, that works quite well if ou have a previously made set of baseboards that you want to import.
Top tab

If you mean you don't know how to make them bigger, open the Terrain tab in Surveyor then click on Advanced at the bottom.Point the cursor at the edge of your current Map you want to extend then click "Extend"...:cool:

This by far far the easiest way to increase the size of a route. The Terrain tab is the top tab on the right. When the Advanced section opens at the bottom of the menu there are 2 small buttons, one each side at the top of the new menu, you need the one on the left. Click that, then go to the edge of your existing board and click left mouse beyond its edge and lo and behold a new full baseboard will appear - and the great thing is you can do this as much as you want...
