hey are their any.....


NorthWest Ohio Trainz2010
Hello Community,

A few Questions on a Frieght car.
First of all im looking for some TTX doublestack wellcars with blueand red nonworded cargo containers. I like the wellcar very much but yet I still need to hunt down the creater. It is a 48 foot us ttx double stack wellcar.

My questions are there any tutorialson turning the cargo the desirerd colors? If so how would I do this? Second if I were to do this for persoinal use only would I need permission from its creater? Any help would be appricitated!:)
Is the wellcar on DLS or somewhere else?

As for the containers, you could reskin the built-ins without problem for personal use. Reskinning someone else's, you could do it for personal use but might want to not show pictures. You could also let the creator know you did/want to do it and that you have them for personal use. I reskinned a couple of locomotives about a year ago, never released them but did email the locomotive creator that I had them.
thank you very much I sorta know how to reskin but it always tells me its not my content but its probley right in front of my face