Help :?


Routes/Layouts Builder
Hi guys... Did anybody know where i can find turnouts for TRS? I search all dls writing a turnouts and I can't find any :/
if you want turnout you can make them in surveyor. first lay a strech of track. in the middle if this strech click on it and start moving away from the track. thats how you create a turnout. if you want animated ones i dont know who made them but they sould be on the DLS. also look on 3rd party site one has the turnout set but which one i forgot. if you want turnout levers they also sould be on the DLS. i will get back with that 3rd party site that has that turnout set if thats what you are looking for. they way you are putting it is that you wnat animated turnouts but im not sure.
Andi06 has also made some for 04. There also some built into 06. Animated ones are quite hard to ste up though.

The ones built into 2006 dont/can not be changed ( or I have not found out how) The Red/Green direction arrows are always visable and you cant set the line priority ? Andi06 arte good when you get to grips with the set up,, onlt thing is I have never managed to get them to conform with the track I use
Andi06 has some very good points(turnouts) with fairly straight forward instructions on how to set them up....once you get the hang of it is is someone said the only draw back is the lack of textures....I thought there was a way to make your own,but could be wrong on that..L