help with trs 2004

You cannot drive them in Railyard, that is just to look.
You place them on a route in Surveyor, save what is called a Session, then run that in Driver.
Doesn't TRS2004 ship with one of these anymore ?


I got one with my copy of the game. ;) (in fact, I've got a spare copy if anybody needs one)
All copies of TRS come with a manual. Have a look at your launch screen.
It would be great if newbie Trainzers could consult their manuals a little more before asking questions on the forum which have been asked a thousand times before. Your thought processes should go something like this:

1. I have a problem with Trainz
2. I know! I will consult the manual on my disc.
3. Hmm, seems there are no clear answers on the manual. I'll try the Search button on the forum.
4. No joy there either. Time to ask fellow Trainzers for help.

Often people can't be bothered going through that list and instead jump straight to number four. If you do this, you can at least expect some Trainzers to get a little annoyed.

Best wishes,
Doesn't TRS2004 ship with one of these anymore ?

That manual didn't come with mine.
Manuals don't always have the information neccessary.
Manuals on disc flat out stink. I have at least one program where the manual is only available through PDF on the drive, I cannot afford to print it out (too big), and I find too often I need to reference stuff in the manual while running the program but to do that I have to exit. That's annoying. It is one thing to have something like the CCG in PDF because you can switch between windows but a program that doesn't and cannot be run windowed with only a PDF manual blows.
Search features are not perfect. I still find the biggest problem is guessing what word combiniation is needed for any search engine to find what I'm looking for. Sometimes I don't get the right words for months.
If someone asking questions about operating a program is annoying, I'll trade you lives. I could see if it was a question like, "Can I shoot you in the head?" But asking how to operate part of a program is not annoying.:)

Or in my case womanual...
2004 did not ship with a paper manual. It is possible to print it out, which I did, but it's huge and far simpler to use the one (the same one) that is accessible from within the program when it is running.
As far as I can remember it is not in Railyard, that is only to have a ganders (look) at the rolling stock you have on your drive (C:/).
Once in Surveyor or Driver you can get help from the top left of the screen where a 'me and you' (menu) will appear if it is not already visible by placing the cursor over that area.
As said, it is exactly the same as the one I took ages printing out and used nearly a ream of paper, so don't bother doing that.

Yes, I agree, when people buy a program they need to look at the Help file to see how it works - otherwise it doesn't! For most that is not a difficult thing to do but some plainly have a problem with it.
Perhaps they don't know where the Help file is? Or how to activate it? So that might be the first and most logical question - where is the Help file please?

I do firmly believe we in the Trainz Community are extremely lucky to have such a good forum that can cover every problem and/or situation that might arise in the Trainz genre of programs. I suppose we should be more patient, we don't know the individuals concerned and/or their particular situations, they may not have the knowledge to properly even operate a PC for all we know.

I am not condoning or criticising anybody, just pointing out something. While it may not seem like rocket science to a seasoned user it could to somebody else.

That manual didn't come with mine.

It came with mine, because I bought the "Just Trains" version, you know the one, it's the version that you have to keep the disc in the drive when running the program. ;)

If someone asking questions about operating a program is annoying, I'll trade you lives. I could see if it was a question like, "Can I shoot you in the head?" But asking how to operate part of a program is not annoying.:)

So why do I keep seeing your fellow countrymen moaning about a small thing like having to have a disk in the drive when running the program ?
If this is so annoying, it's no wonder so many kids are shooting their classmates. :)
"If someone asking questions about operating a program is annoying, I'll trade you lives. I could see if it was a question like, "Can I shoot you in the head?" But asking how to operate part of a program is not annoying"

What some newbies have to realise, Eric, is that we all have a finite amount of time available on our computers to build our routes, reskin rolling stock and visit the Download Station. Sometimes an answer to a problem may not be forthcoming because it is a question that has been posed a thousand times before, and Trainzers quite rightly do not wish to be wasting time typing an answer, as a problem is rarely solved with a quick one-liner. This is especially true of questions on how to re-paint trains without using Paint Shed: quite a few times I have typed out a detailed explanation of the re-paint process only for the same question to come up a few weeks later. Why don't people use the Search button?

What is annoying are those newbies who can't seem to grasp words like 'please' and 'thanks' and who demand answers to their problems, often in full caps. Why, even the thread-starter has fallen foul of this impolite behaviour:

"i am a bit stuck with this i can view the trains but how do i drive the ones i want to"

See, not a please or thanks anywhere. Why then should anyone reply?. Why did I?

Best wishes,
Why reply

Dear Padster,
Because I expect you are a gentleman. Really, it doesn't take but a few seconds to answer with 'Search for this or that' whatever a previous thread might be. So you did. I think the answer to your parting shot is right in there.

I have searched for things and rarely find what I want. Using the title word never seems to produce the right threads for me. I wonder how many other forum users find this?

And I don't mind replying to a simple question if I have to answer, I have plenty of time on my hands until the day I die. Life is too short.

However, I do agree with the point made that the words 'please' and 'thanks' seem to be sadly lacking in today's world. I expect it's the society we live in, everything has to be immediate! (And in bold!)

Did the thread starter ever come back saying he has solved their problem through the help posted?????
Perhaps they should consider doing so.....

An excellent and measured post, Angela. I agree 100% with your comments and really don't mind helping people if they ask nicely.

Perhaps I too am guilty of overusing bold type. Arrrgh! I did it again!

Best wishes,
I totaly agree with both angelah and Padster. Just two little words "please " at the begining of a question and "thank-you" at the end makes a big difference in the response you get.

I see no problem in using bold text. To me it is a way of emphasising a point, and making sure it is noticed.
Angela, one has to be paitent when dealing with some of our younger members of Trainz, and, sadly society generally.

Our Generation was brought up with good manners. At home, school, and in life. Manners, saying "please" and "thank you" became second nature to us, as, indeed, they still are.

It's hard for us to realise the decline in manners and moral standards in this day and age.

Us Old Fogeys have never suffered bad manners very well, and, frankly, we can find little excuse for it.

However, I suppose that we must, sadly, move with the times, however much we may hate it.

Thank you, Angela for your comment. Very well written. Don't make excuses for the little tykes though too often, will you.:)
Well said

Angela, one has to be paitent when dealing with some of our younger members of Trainz, and, sadly society generally.

Our Generation was brought up with good manners. At home, school, and in life. Manners, saying "please" and "thank you" became second nature to us, as, indeed, they still are.

It's hard for us to realise the decline in manners and moral standards in this day and age.

Us Old Fogeys have never suffered bad manners very well, and, frankly, we can find little excuse for it.

However, I suppose that we must, sadly, move with the times, however much we may hate it.

Thank you, Angela for your comment. Very well written. Don't make excuses for the little tykes though too often, will you.:)

Hi seward,
Well said, but I was also brought up a Christian and to forgive. Since Alan's passing I have had to look into my soul very deeply and now realise I need to love my fellow humans, just living with them is not enough, whatever their faults. I don't suppose they consider these ommisions as faults so cannot work out what all the fuss is about.
Youth nowadays ask direct questions, no messing about with preliminaries, they just ask, so 'please' goes by the board (by the board being a naval saying, just in case nobody knew....).
Is this a result of schooling? Is it a result of the lack of discipline, self or otherwise. Is it a result of the way their parents behave? Goodness knows, but society has gone down hill in my opinion.
However, I have several youngsters that talk to me around here and some that like to come in and 'play' with various things, Trainz being one (who said there's an age gap?). They hardly ever say please, but they do ask in a polite way and if they don't I just gently remind them about it. I get some odd looks at times and I know in my heart they must be thinking 'this odd old fogey' or words to that effect. But at least they are not rude. A direct question isn't rude or impolite to them, it's just a question.

I just try to be patient.

In the thread the person did say thanks I believe, actually 'thanks mate'.

Repainting trains is hard due to certain changes in the community that I'm beginning to believe nobody has noticed. I notice by comparing how I learned back in 2004 to what's available today. And what makes it hard is not what you list.

I explained Search, you are clearly ignoring what I posted.

Don't waste my time on that "please" and "thanks" stuff. I could go into a completely detailed, thoughtful and reasonable post explaining:
1 - why that is nonsense.
2 - why people who fuss over that are demanding I disrespect far too many people and subjects that I am NOT going to do to prioritize three words.
But in the past 2 years, I have clearly seen some (not all) "experienced content creators" only care about their own point of view with no regard to the disrespect and discourtesy they do to others, as if being able to make something in gMax or paint better than someone else gives them the right to be a jerk and in the process also disrespect what others have done and skills they have, just because those skils and actions didn't involve gMax or paint programs is no excuse. Don't talk to me about finite amount fo time, we all have that, this has to do with skills being used to excuse things that shouldn't be excused THEN used to tell people to shut up.
There's even a term for this attitude and it happens in several forms over the internet. Cyber-bullying.

Sometimes I find myself asking why certain people respond when they clearly shouldn't.

To quote someone I once knew:
"Madness this way lies.
I'm not going."
Free will

I think replying if you want to is called free will, we all have it and have the right to it, how it is used is another matter.
