Help with installing downloads


New member
Ok, I would like to install a new route to my Trainz 2006. Can someone explain the steps?

1. I download the route off of Trainz Download station.
2. I click on the file and it installs?
3. Then I have to commit it using some program that starts automatically when I install it? CTRL M
4. The program says I'm missing dependencies.
5. When I run the program it either doesn't work or It is missing alot of stuff to the point where it isn't worth playing.
6. I've been reading the forums and everyone mentions KUIDs. What are KUIDs?

KUIDs, or Kreator User IDs, are the numbers used to identify content creators. If you look at anything on the DLS (Download station), it will have a KUID number listed in the information box. These consist of:

KUID OR KUID2(2 means updated):userID:ContentID.

If you have missing dependencies, then the first stem is to use CMP (Content Manager Plus) to find those missing dependencies. If you right-click on an item with a puzzle icon with a ? in it next to it, and choose, view dependencies, then you can see the KUID numbers that are missing. If you drag the item into the download helper (on the left of the CMP screen), and let it search, it may find some of the dependencies on the DLS. If not, then google them by copying and pasting the missing KUID numbers. If that doesn't work, then search the forum, and post them on the forum if you can't find them anywhere.

You have the steps correct for installing and committing assets. Just to let you know, if you go to file -> settings in CMP, then there is an option on the miscellaneous tab to "Automatically commit" assets. Select this, then every time you have downloaded something, run trainz by pressing the trainz icon in CMP (next to the ? button on the second-to-top row of buttons). This will commit all open for edit assets.

Hope This Helps,
Thanks for your reply. I've been reading the CMP tutorial that someone told me about. Its a help. The problem is the computer I play Trainz on, is not hooked up to the internet. My wife's computer is hooked up to the internet though. So I have to do all the searching and downloading on hers and transfer the files to my machine.

Content Manager Plus

Question from a newbie: Where does the content manager plus (CMP) program reside? The only way I know to open it is to call for a down load of something. Is there a way to open it without selecting something to download?
Question from a newbie: Where does the content manager plus (CMP) program reside? The only way I know to open it is to call for a down load of something. Is there a way to open it without selecting something to download?

Please do not double post. Just post once and someone will answer your enquiry.