Help needed..


New member
Hello all, i am new to this forum and Trainz, today i purchased TRS2006 installed it ok and got it up and running so everything is fine. :D
I have just downloaded 2 class 20 locos, they show up on my loco list but that is it, i cannot veiw them in the shed or place them to drive, have i done something wrong, also in driver how can i select a loco i want to drive or do i have to drive the locos that have been pre-selected ????.
Any help would be brilliant as i am very new to this. :confused:
A big learning curve but you will find I am sure well worth the effort.
To use your choice of loco you will have to open the Route in Surveyor - from the main Menu - find an appropriate location on the track and then select from the lower tab on the right hand side menu list (click on the required Loco and click on track at chosen point) you can repeat this process for the rolling stock etc. to make up a consist of whatever you want.
You can also change direction of the units by clicking on the buttons in the Menu (see manual/guide).
When satisfied with selection - hit Esc key - enter name for session in panel and save. Go back to Main Menu and you will find in the right column against the original route name you now have your "session" name.
Load and enjoy. Hope this makes sense - don't hesitate to ask any questions as we have all been in this position - after 4 years I am still learning everyday.
If your downloaded locos don't show in Railyard then check them with CMP for missing dependencies or view errors. If you have troubles, post the kuid numbers in the forum and someone will help you.

Welcome to the community...brand new TRS2006 huh? I mostly ask questions here and read others questions but have figured out a few things and from time to time find that I actually have 2 cents to offer (still learning myself). I have found from the many post here and my own experience that after installing TRS2006 you should install the "patch" before even using the program. That is, Service Pack 1 often refered to as SP1. It is available for download at the Auran website if I remember correctly it should be installed immediatly after TRS2006 instalation and before it is ever used. Another suggestion is to burn Service Pack 1 to a disk. My TRS2006 came with a case that holds 6 disks but only have 5, I use the empty space to keep my SP1 disk...very handy as it is all in one place and SP1 dosen't need to be downloaded again. Sorry I cannot help with the locos that show up on the list yet are not visible and cannot be placed. I have a few of them too. You do not have to drive the locos that have been pre-selected if you select Surveyer from the main menu and then select the route you want to place locos, rolling stock, or change in any way. Once you have things just the way you want them, click on the little red circle in the upper left hand corner and you will have the chance to save these changes under another name, something that you will recognize when you exit back out to the main menu and select Driver. Have patience and with some trial and error you will be having a blast in no time. John
Make sure you commit and then check for missing dependencies. If you download from the DLS, after you get it installed, right click on it in CMP and click download. This will find any missing dependencies that are on the DLS.