help needed with traffic problem


Active member
hi all

i am having troubles gettung my extra traffic to show in the session.
i had 56 vehicles and now only the auran ones show up.

i put the extras in the front of the config file like i had read about and at first it worked. i did not miss any numbers.
and now it does not work.

would anybody have any ideas what i am doing wrong now?

i only have TC

You can only have 16, any extras won't show up. Remove the default ones and replace with some of your own.
IIRC you can have 16 specified in the region file, and an additional 16 in the route config. Any more than this will be ignored.

Hi Ron
In the route config file, I just insert a line saying car00 ( for some reason you must start with car00 or it won't work !! ) then the kuid, next line car01, kuid etc etc til all your cars are on, then save as, commit the route and thats it.
It works for me no prob.

p.s. if there is already cars ( uk or usa in a group under another kuid I delete them, so only my cars are showing.

try 1 car at a time as some you will find drive backwards or sideways.
as an aside I had great fun once putting on buildings etc under car00 etc and watched them fly down the highway..... ha ha
hope you get it to work for you too

i tried all sorts of things

it used to work and now in its wisdom it decided to give up the ghost

i should think that it should work in tc if it works in 2006

i would not think that this could be taken out of the game settings without retarding the game a lot.

it would be like taking the soldiers out of our lan war games

