Help..Is it possible to install trainz on 2 pc's without 2 copies?


Virgin Trains Fan
Hello, is it possible to use one trainz disk to install on 2 computers? (not to run at the same time) but just so i can use trs when i go away with my laptop. at the moment it is installed on my desktop, when i try to install it on laptop it says that my serial number is allready "in use". is there away to switch it over from desktop to laptop in any way?

Hi Andrew,
I am a bit bemused by your question.I have 06 & 04 and have installed both of them on two computers.However they were both bought direct from Auran.By any chance have you got the 'Just Trainz' version?

Regards Bruce
I have both 06 and UTC (and soon TC) on both of my computers (mind you one of the computers is running linux right now... but its still installed) I believe the only cache is with the Just Trainz version, which requires the CD to be in the drive, so you couldn't run them simultaneously.

Hi Andrew,
I am a bit bemused by your question.I have 06 & 04 and have installed both of them on two computers.However they were both bought direct from Auran.By any chance have you got the 'Just Trainz' version?

Regards Bruce
yes, i have the just trains version:cool:

yes, i have the just trains version:cool:


There is the problem !! Just Trainz ,& Just Flight,their flight sim equivalent,are obsessive about what you can and cannot do with products bought from them.
Somebody might know a way round it,but the real answer is to buy an Auran sourced version.They are very cheap on ebay at the moment.
Sorry not to be more helpful.
Regards Bruce
I have both 06 and UTC (and soon TC) on both of my computers (mind you one of the computers is running linux right now... but its still installed) I believe the only cache is with the Just Trainz version, which requires the CD to be in the drive, so you couldn't run them simultaneously.


what i mean is to have it installed on the desktop and my laptop with just 1 disk so i can just put the disk into desktop and use trs on there and then when i go on my travels i can put the disk into laptop and use it on there.:o

There is the problem !! Just Trainz ,& Just Flight,their flight sim equivalent,are obsessive about what you can and cannot do with products bought from them.
Somebody might know a way round it,but the real answer is to buy an Auran sourced version.They are very cheap on ebay at the moment.
Sorry not to be more helpful.
Regards Bruce

thanks, do you think you could send me a link to an up to date auran version of it plz:)

I guess you are a bit young to have an ebay account,do you have a relative who would buy it on your behalf? TRS2006 is currently on there for £5.97 inc P&P.
To find it,Google ebay UK. Type in 'Trainz' in their home page search box.Several to choose from.
I guess you are a bit young to have an ebay account,do you have a relative who would buy it on your behalf? TRS2006 is currently on there for £5.97 inc P&P.
To find it,Google ebay UK. Type in 'Trainz' in their home page search box.Several to choose from.

Yes, my mum has an ebay account witch i frequently use to buy train stuff:p

and plz could you tell me what "ftp" "utc" ans "tc" is?

UTC is one of the earlier versions of trainz known as Ultimate Trainz Collection. TC is the newest version of trainz called Trainz Classics. FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol; and is a way to download and upload files onto the web.

UTC is one of the earlier versions of trainz known as Ultimate Trainz Collection. TC is the newest version of trainz called Trainz Classics. FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol; and is a way to download and upload files onto the web.


is "trainz classics" the version that comes with sp1 allready installed? is it any good, is trs 06 content compatible with it?

the only "trainz" i can find on ebay are the just trains version.


p.s sorry for all the questions:o
Trainz Classics has not yet been released in the UK-it's a new version, not 2006 (it's an update on 2006, but not a major leap forward).

There have so far been TC1 and TC2. TC3 will have UK content built in. It will run stuff from 2006 though.

Go to the Auran website (see link above) to read about it. Or even the Classics part of these forums!
the only "trainz" i can find on ebay are the just trains version.

My old eyes are not what they were,sorry. Try this. Google 'Games Heaven'
This will take you to their ebay shop. Currently on Page 4 with 21hrs to go,you will find Auran Trainz Simulator. Price inc P&P is £6.90.From the description it looks like TRS2006.
Hope this helps.
My old eyes are not what they were,sorry. Try this. Google 'Games Heaven'
This will take you to their ebay shop. Currently on Page 4 with 21hrs to go,you will find Auran Trainz Simulator. Price inc P&P is £6.90.From the description it looks like TRS2006.
Hope this helps.

thanks for that.;)
do you know where i could get utc? is it better than 2006?

UTC is a very much older version of the game.Personal View,No it's nowhere near as good as 2006,but it is a matter of personal choice.You would be limited as to what you can get from DLS.Newer content would not be compatible.
Off to my bed now,goodnight.
Regards Bruce
UTC is a very much older version of the game.Personal View,No it's nowhere near as good as 2006,but it is a matter of personal choice.You would be limited as to what you can get from DLS.Newer content would not be compatible.
Off to my bed now,goodnight.
Regards Bruce


could someone tell me the most up to date version of trainz please

Trainz Classics is the latest version of the simulator. Just released in the US as Trainz Railzwayz, and known in the UK as Trainz Railways.
Hello voyager101, TRS2006 is the most recent version for the full creation / playing issue. Although on the forum TRS2004 seems to be better for creating your own work. Get your Mum to purchase either of them or both, from the Auran shop, it comes directly to you from an address in Kent, so it will be with you in just a few days. It also puts money directly into Auran's pocket and not into e-bays or anyone else's.....

Cheerz. ex-railwayman. :wave: