Help Identify this Locomotive


New member
I do know the car is called a 'Klink'. I have never seen a Locomotive designed this way though.

Please pardon the quality as I only had access to a black & white copier at the time. And, I ended up folding the paper copy later before I was able to get it to a scanner. If need be, I can acquire the original photograph and rescan it for better image quality.

Anyone know what kind/type of loco this is?
ah, yes i know exactly.
that is the UNION PACIFIC M10000
or 1000, unsure about the number:p
Sean A.
TER Route Builder
Well, it could be 1 of two things, either the Green Diamond or the M1000, both Pullman Standard, they ran in articulated sets before being scrapped in the late 30s i believe. They ran on the City of Solana if i remember correctly.
