"Hello Auran" "Are You Still Alive"


New member
Concerning: Trainz Classics Route-Builders Competition

The contest has been over for more than a Month. Many of us have spent many hours creating our Routes for this competition. Please give us the courtesy of recognizing our efforts with at least a mention of it in the forum. If you have decided not to distribute the prizes as per your Rules below, it would also be nice to know that.

"We are under no obligation to distribute prizes if, in our reasonable opinion, there are no winners. Circumstances in which we would not be obligated to distribute prizes include, but are not limited to, where (a) there is cheating by multiple or an indeterminate number of persons which makes it impossible to conclusively determine winners, or (b) there are technical, hardware, software, communications, network, connectivity or other problems which interfere or prevent the Trainz Classics Route Builders Competition from operating as intended. "

I realize there have been problems with the DLS but you have allowed extra time to allow for that factor.

I understand that Auran has gone through a major reorganization. In order to assure your customers trusting you in future endeavors it would be indicative of you to make sure that you complete previous offers. This would help assure confidence from your sales base for future purchases.

Hoping to here from you SOONTM :) concerning this matter.

Thanks In Advance for your follow through.

Shivers, I hope not...............

I think you can write this off as a lost cause.

Shivers, I hope not.......... I'm really looking forward to seeing some incredible creations.
I'm sure alot of creator's have put a lot of time and effort into their creations. (in some cases, I'm sure it's not all about the prize money, "bragging rights" are just as important as well)...

Your right, Auran reputation is on the line here, so I'm sure they won't let you or any other competition entrant down. (clearly they are still sorting things out, and it might take awhile for the dust to settle, so please be patient).
They are probably arguing over the "final winner" right now as we speak............

Worst case scenario in a months or two, if nothing happens, well ask for the hat to be passed around (I'm good for $20) and if all the entrants can upload their routes/creations to some of the "senior members" of the community, they can pick a winner.... (by senior, I'm not talking about age) although there's nothing wrong with "oldie's"
I'm not sure who originally said patience is a "virtue" !!!! but most people can only be "virtuous" for so long.......... hang in there!!!
Cheers, Mac. Keep smiling... :o
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It seems to me that one of the requirements of the contest that it be uploaded to the DLS. If that is the case where are all these Routes.

Rules of the Competition...
  • Routes must be uploaded to the DLS
  • Routes must be for Trainz Classics 1-2
It also said there would be notification by March 1st.

Posting on www.trainzclassics.com and announcement in the TRAINZ NEWS letter will occur by 1st March, 2008, provided that we may delay the determination and notification of winners in the event that we receive an unusually large number of entries.

It would be nice to have more TC routes to download and also TC content.

I guess we will have to just wait and see what happens.
Really surprised that there weren't more entries as there only about 19 TC route available. Auran was probably surprised too. They were probably expecting a flood of entries. Since there are so few to judge I thought the winners could have been announced earlier. Maybe they can't afford the money? Can't have the poor guys going broke doling out that extravagant prize money, or having to go without their tea and bikkies to pay for it.
Count yourself lucky.

I read recently that the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winners in a Fury competition that ended 4 months ago still haven't received their prizes!

1st Prize was a Dell Notebook, and 2nd and 3rd prizes were Dell Desktops apparently.

Maybe the staff shortage has delayed your competition, and it's still going to happen, but I don't hold out much hope for the Fury competition winners. :(

1st Prize was a Dell Notebook, and 2nd and 3rd prizes were Dell Desktops apparently.

One could say they're not missing out on much then :hehe:

Although I do feel sorry for them if they put in all that effort for something and got nothing....hopefully when Auran stabilises they'll see a return on their hard work. Same goes for the route contest entrants. :)