Hayling Island branch line


New member
Yet another project of mine this line ran from Havant station via 2 small holts to Hayling station.

Although not it's original perpose the hayling line known as the "Hayling Billy" was mostly used by holiday traffic heading for the beaches.

due to the bridge crossing langstone harbour the line was limited to the size of loco and stock it could use hence it became well known for the iconic terrer and small out dated coaches:D

if any other creator is interisted in this project then get intouch as I hope that this could be integrated into other projects?

I found this web site the pictures and Mpegs? are stunning. may also be of interest the the terrier fans amoung you
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I have compleated the basic layout of the line and am in the process of texturing it atm.

I still have a few problem areas such as the bridge if any one is interested in helping just drop a post hear:D

I have compleated the basic layout of the line and am in the process of texturing it atm.

I still have a few problem areas such as the bridge if any one is interested in helping just drop a post hear:D


I just been building bridges (Static) if you can send some pics I can see what can be done,
That's an interesting looking site. I like the movies.
How big is the layout? And will there be any screenshots in the screenshot forum soon?

:cool: Claude
hi all

thanks for the replys I will try and answer them in order:

1. I only have the picks that are on the internet atm it was a bit of a strange bridge and the main reason that the line closed as it we only able to carry the smallest locos the terriers. it did infact have a swing bridge section although for much of its life i believe it was left closed as it was hard to open due to the amount of bolts that had to be removed.

2. the line was only 2 or three miles. the line speed was 35 with a 20mph limit over the bridge.
3. not sure about in the screen shots forum but I am thinking of starting a site for my layouts as I have webspace a plenty.

hope this answers all the quetions
