Having issues with whistle trigger


New member
I have spent far too much time trying to figure out how to generate a whistle from a trigger and was hoping someone could give me a hand.
I place the trigger on the track, assign the trigger with trigger check and then add a play sound.
But for the life of me I do not know what file to add so the whistle blows when the train enters the trigger.
I am looking for a long whale from the big boy at a couple of locations however I cannot make it happen.
I spent some time doing the rules tutorial and in the tutorial it shows you how to generate a warning sound but in the add list of rules there's nothing indicating a whistle file.
Hope I made sense with all this.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks & take care.
Yes - I agree this is a bit snotty, and I've had my issues with it too.
However, you might want to try the, which might make your life a little easier.

Check out: KUID2: 46162:2350010:1

WhistleSignal by Josef Pav

Whistle Sign with track mark behavior. Works with the Whistle Rule or similar to let AI trains blow horn, when triggered.

The Whistle Rule doesn't seem to be anywhere on the DLS, or at least anymore. I believe I have it because it sounds familiar. This works by attaching the rule to a trackmark, or in this case to the whistle post. When the train passes, it blows the horn.

This isn't a perfect scenario, however, because there are cases where the whistle will blow only once, but if a train comes back in the other direction on the same track, the whistle won't blow. When I setup the Whistle Rule, I had to edit an HTML file in order to point the object to the sound I wanted to playback, and setup other parameters like number of horn-blows, etc. It's annoying, but not difficult. If you need help with that, I'll dig around for the sound-file link, and post the HTML copy up here.

Good luck. I'm not sure how much this helps.


Hi winnipeg,

Try the "hornz" command kuid 66277 80001. It works with any trackmark, just tell your driver to 'drive via trackmarkxxx' 'hornz' 'drive via next trackmark' :) :)

Hope this helps,
Hi winnipeg,

Try the "hornz" command kuid 66277 80001. It works with any trackmark, just tell your driver to 'drive via trackmarkxxx' 'hornz' 'drive via next trackmark' :) :)

Hope this helps,

I like this less complicated approach! :D

I think the best whistle signs are by bloodnok. He has 3 kuid2:60850:23110:1, :23111:1 and :23112:1. The last one, :23112:1 is only visible in Surveyor but is bidirectional, working in both directions. The first two are signs and are visible in Driver but only work in one direction. They are controlled by the included scripts and don't require triggers.

Check out UK Branchlines. They have whistle signs as track objects that will generate a sound when a train passes. There are others like it on the DLS, uni and bi-directional. None of them require a separate sound file to be attached.
Whistle signs

Hi Bob,

I think the best whistle signs are by bloodnok. He has 3 kuid2:60850:23110:1, :23111:1 and :23112:1. The last one, :23112:1 is only visible in Surveyor but is bidirectional, working in both directions. The first two are signs and are visible in Driver but only work in one direction. They are controlled by the included scripts and don't require triggers.

These are actually trackmarks. If you have a look in map view you will see the trackmarks where you placed a whistle sign. The first tme I noticed it I wondered where the ...... these extra trackmarks came from.
