Having fun!! Ultimate '30's steam scenario!!


New member
I have heavily modified the Northbay county scenario. I have spent approximately 500 hours (Man) on it. I really have done it. I wish I could upload this for others as I know it would be greatly enjoyed!!! ALL the lines have been connected. I have added many industries such as goods, cattle yards, meat packing. coaling. I added to the north a Polar Express section. I created the mountains and scenery. I have 7 trains based throughout for switching and such. ALSO!!! I have created a road system where driving the Model A can be done between all points!!!! I really made the roads detailed along the terraign, through the land, forests etc. The riverboat runs to 2 wharf stations. I created a shorline area that I call 'Lobster Cove'. Very detailed fishing villiage with all!

I really have fun with this!!!!
I am only currently familiar with driver and surveyor and I have NO experience in uploading. It is based on the original Northbay County theme. So I don't know about copywright stuff or anything like this. I will have to research uploading procedures.

Anyway, it is a lot of fun. I have a riverboat that commutes from a point east of rockport, it goes via a river to Slayfork mill area that I have heavily built up. It stops at the wharfs and pax get on and off. Quite fun to see the riverboat full of 'old west' folks. Also there is 2 stagecoaches that traverse the entire map. For those that are interisted in this kind of thing, if you haven't already; try out the stagecoaches! They're a lot of fun. I also have 5 model A's around the map based at station areas. They can traverse the entire map as well. I built a road system that paralells a lot of track etc. It is quite fun to drive the cars throughout the dirt and paved road system occasionaly seeing the riverboat, trains etc.

The area goes from a summer looking mountainous look to a mostly snow covered mountainous,, high and steep but greatly detailed snowy mountain area. This area is the Polar Express run. At the top a small villiage in a Christmas theme sits.

Good fun!!
I would be very happy if you could upload your layout. :)
Northbay County is as far as I know a built in map. That is you have to ask Auran for the permission to upload your version of this map (www.auran.com/helpdesk).

I'm looking forward to your map.



I can't answer the copyright part as I can't remember how the rules where on stuff made for TRS2006 (Forum crash removed lot of nice to know stuff :(), but I remember that in the old forum Auran did state that if one had changed a item very much it was allowed to upload it.
Being that Northbay is a 3rd party route, and not a Auran made one, I'm really not sure how things stand, but as one of those helping a little with that map - and from the description giving by TristenEugene, I would say that this extended/modified route for surely has a place on the DLS!
For TRS2006 users only I would presume, as Northbay only came with TRS2006. :)

I like the description, I would love to see this route - Northbay was a special project, and I always like to hear how it is looked upon by others, and now, knowing someone liked it enough to start add to it, I find it very rewarding.

Upload is kinda easy, use CMP and the upload button in there and I think all will work automatically - at least I know Auran intended it do be that easy. :)

Best of luck, best wishes

Back from holiday travels

Hello all!!!!! Good to be back. Boy am I having a blast with this trainz!!!!!
Now, Back on track with my deal. This northbay County scenario is really souped up now. I would like to post a few clips and screens. I made quite a few FRAPS clips of various goings on. Such as driving the Model A's around as a train goes by as well as seeing the stagecoaches/ships passing by.

It is a BLAST!!! The scenario is quite big now. I have the original northbay area HEAVILY modified with details. Signs, roads,,, and and and!!! To the North is a high snow covered mountainous area that I call the Polar Express area and then farthest north is a flat area that I call Suguraro flats. It is a desert area that again is heavily detailed. None of this half ass crap. I really did it up without overdoing it. I went over and over it to ensure all track is fluid and connected.
Within the layout there are 5 model a's, 3 stagecoaches, 5 Moguls, 3 shays, 5 tank engines, 1 Bigboy and various rolling stock strategicly positioned. The roads that are drivable connect ALL,,, count'm, A L L towns and stations. As well as traverse the layout. I can actually drive to/from EVERY industry. for example; I drive a Model A from 'my house' a lighthouse near Rockport, to Rockport yard, Get into a tank engine, builda consist, send it via a driver to a industry, drive the car to another area and repeat the process. all the trains go to and fro. the stagecoaches run on a closed loop so when I am driving I cannot collide with them. I occasionaly pass them. It is cool!!! I connectedRockport to slayfork with Wharf stations. The Yuma riverboat runs between these two stations. AND it loads passengers!!! This is fun!!! Also trains stop at the wharfs to load/unload. I can drive/run a train all the way from one end of the map to the other. E.G. Run from gossen mine all the way over the HIGH mountains to Suguaro flats. It is a long and scenic drive. none of this crappy junk. It is as if it's real. It is fun. One thing I like to do is drive to Polar station. Get the Polar Express going (Mallard w/ renfe stock) I send the train to 'Polar Cap station' And then drive one of the cars to the same station. It is fun to drive through the woods and periodicaly see the train.

Another thing I do is get all 5 moguls hauling Gen goods to a point near what was originaly the north edge of the map. All the trains stage their cars there. T H E N A bigboy comes from Suguaro flats and pulls the train over 'Polar Gap Pass' and on to the Flats. The BigBoy is restricted to the Polar/Suguaro addition. When that fat sucker so much as touches any of the original NBC track/curves,,,,, you can smell this one cooking!!! Too much fun.

So! Aside from my inexperience in uploading and any coyright problems that may exist, I sure would like to let all enjoy it!!!!!!

Oh yes. answer to Q's:

TRS 2006
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I was the leader of the team that created Northbay County and while we envisaged that people would add extensions to the basic map, we never considered what you have done.

Anyway, a map is a map, so go for it. Just don't call it Northbay County II or anything like that.

I think that the criterion stated by Auran was that there should be at least 75% new work or change before anything originally supplied by Auran could be uploaded. I suggest that you contact Auran for a definite answer. Judging by your description I would say that you have reached the 75% requirement.

Big Boy on Northbay - Ugh! Standard gauge on Northbay - even more Ugh!


Sounds good.

I'll do that. That is contact Auran for the details. Sorry for the tainting of Northbay with standard guage. Don't worry! Bigboy gets no where near the original Map. Scale speaking, it comes within about a couple of hundred feet of the North 'border' in order to connect to the train.

If this were to be uploaded and someone wanted to convert ALL the track to NG, it would be a little bit of a job unless there is a feature that one can select to 'change all' or something like this.
Actually, you could use TrainzMap by VistaMare to change track without re-laying it. It comes with SP1. Follow these instructions:

*Install SP1 if you don't have it already. There are hundreds of threads on how to install SP1 properly.
*Startup Trainz.
*Click Extras on the TRS2006 startup screen.
*On the screen that appears, click the Install TrainzMap icon.
*You should be able to do the rest yourself.

TrainzMap has it's own manual. So you'll figure it out.
Yeah baby!!

Thanks!!!! some the track in some of the layouts I am using is NG. so, I think replacing NG with standard will create a new problem of too tight of turns on some track. But I can deal with that!!!

Thanks a million!!!