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Rolling stock designers have not yet created swinging couplers that follow track curvature so train vehicles LOOK like they are properly coupled on turns.
Also, why the trucks of some rolling stock are not set by creators to steer around turns in articulated fashion, I don't know. Train trucks should pivot, have some degree of side play but not beyond realistic limits. I suspect the amount of independent movement bogies have dictates track curvature handling capabilities too.
Some model train rolling stock has couplers attached tot he trucks for better turn-handling. I believe real American trains have couplers attached separately from the trucks.

Also, why the trucks of some rolling stock are not set by creators to steer around turns in articulated fashion, I don't know. Train trucks should pivot, have some degree of side play but not beyond realistic limits. I suspect the amount of independent movement bogies have dictates track curvature handling capabilities too.
Some model train rolling stock has couplers attached tot he trucks for better turn-handling. I believe real American trains have couplers attached separately from the trucks.
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