Have you downloaded animals for your pike?


Well-known member
I have found out the meaning of "static" assets. They appear to be 2D images painted on a piece of cardboard and often look like a 5-year-old drew them. I have seen some better-looking animal assets however like the animated 3D German shepherd dog, the 3D animated black cow and the 3D black bear and moose. Some of the static images are even invisible depending upon camera angle.

What I have been trying to find at DS are some objects that depict a hunting scene: men with guns, foxes, hounds...
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Look up user #93112 sholborn, #324760 dinorius_redundicus, arraial, & lotharhake will give you more than you can handle!

They appear to be 2D images painted on a piece of cardboard and often look like a 5-year-old drew them.

Don't be too harsh on those creations. Many scenery assets are designed to be used in the distance, not close to the track. Their simplicity often means that they have a very low overhead for the GPU and no detrimental effects on the frame rates.
There are also animated geese, ducks, and other flying critters you can place along your route. Keep in mind that the flocks of birds fly in a circle out of a hidden attachment point, which can be a pisser to try to find if you want to delete or move the asset.

The older 2-d objects are very old. They are now going on 15 years old now. The herds of cattle are fine for distances as you can't tell they're only images anyway, besides, the 3d assets have extra geometry which can eat up performance.

It sounds like extra stuff placed on routes can generate more hardware overhead, so to speak. Tax resources for game to perform as nicely as possible.
It sounds like extra stuff placed on routes can generate more hardware overhead, so to speak. Tax resources for game to perform as nicely as possible.

Yup. This has always been an issue, which is getting better in T:ANE.

I thought I would be smart and put in lots of seagull sounds near a port I built. This was back in TRS2004, which had worse problems than TS12 when it came to sounds. I would be driving along fine until I reached the port and the seagulls started their seagull sound. The game would pause and stutter until I left the area. There was also a lighthouse too, which has since been fixed that was awful too. The foghorn sound would blare and every time it did the game would pause. I performed surgery on my copy, my first edit by the way, and removed the sound section in the config.txt. After that I could use the white lighthouse anywhere without it killing my machine.

These are little things we learn as we go along. :)
