Yes, and mothers they deserve a lot of gratuities too. I wish for it to be called mothers day instead. Ladies are more important, it is Mother Earth after all yes? Ladies bring forth our children.

...but would the great iron horses have been invented if everywhere was ruled by females? Would Trainz exist or the fantastic malware creations that plague our freeware websites. Perhaps international peace would be well established, but surely technology and development would be centuries behind yes? Therefore, i change it back to fathers day, for they have created our most wonderous creations. May the fathers of the earth prosper, it is worth the wars and fighting yes?

We celebrate this, but i do not think it is today.

The fatherly side of Bernieeeeeeeeeee :)
"Dad...I wish there was a children's day...."

"Everyday is Children' Day sweetie, now let's go swimming......"
why do some people have to politicize everything. All this thread is about is wishing fathers a happy day. No more, no less.
To Father's everywhere
Happy Father's Day.
I called my father saturday night and wished him a happy Father's Day. I called my Mom for Mother's Day last month and everyone had gone off on a trip.

:cool: Claude
It's Fathers day here in America. Happy Fathers Day to all fathers around the world

Stationbeem said
We also have a Mothers day in England. It just seems ironic that it comes 9 months after Fathers day.
Yes, but our Mother's Day is in May, and our Old Mans, um ur Ancient Mans, um ur Father's Day is in September!