Ground Textures

Lets say I downloaded a route and I like all the ground textures that they used on the route. Is there anyway I can easily figure out what ground textures they used for the route?
In CM, analyse the route for all dependencies, then have them "displayed in main list". Give them all a star rating that you haven't already used for other things. Let's assume that's a 1-star. Then construct a search for Location = Local, rating = 1 star, category = groundtexture (or whatever the term for that is).
In Surveyor, open the textures panel on the right-hand side, there is a button labeled "get texture" click on it and then click on the texture you like. It should grab that texture from the menu. Drag that texture to the "favorites" drop down menu on the left side of the Surveyor screen. Do that procedure with all the textures you like and when you are creating a route in Surveyor later, you can click on them and then use the same ones.
Another method:
1) Select the route in CM, then right-click on it and select "Show dependencies".
2) When the window showing the dependencies appears at the center of the screen, click on "View in main list".
3) Add a filter "Category = Texture (environmental)" without deleting the filter that is already present (even if it looks blank)
4) Select all the textures now listed in CM
5) Right-click on the list and select "Edit Keywords"
6) In the keyword window, click on "Add keyword" and enter "NiceTextures" (or whatever suits you).
7) Now you will able to select the textures using a filter set as "Keywords = NiceTextures" in both CM and Surveyor.

The keyword added in this way are not written in the config, so they are volatile: they disappear if you open the asset for edit or if you save it as a CDP and then load it (even on the same PC and in the same Trainz install).