Gravel Pit North of Grandville


This posting will sort of double as an announcement for a few assets that I sent to the Download Station in the last couple of weeks and as a way to show off a gravel pit I recently finished modelling on my Willow Lake & Grandville Railroad (well finished until I think of something I want to change ... :p). As usual, you can click on any of the images to see a larger version.

The piles of gravel and the WL&G hopper models are all now on the DLS. I also posted these and a few more pictures at

- Madeline :)

Nice work! Can't wait to see the rest of the route! You have a real talent at making rolling stock and route building. :Y:

Keep going

Awesome work!

If you don't mind me asking, where did you get the grade crossing in the first shot?

Thanks and keep up the great work!
WOW! I love this the route man:udrool:!

Hey Maddy25,

Which were route is local or original or interchange? Like Norfolk Southern's main or CSX's line?
Wonderful work Maddy! These assets are really helpful to me Maddy, after all the rock industry is huge here in Florida. If i may ask, can you make any additional assets to go with these? Maybe rock crushers/processors transfer conveyors: I would certainly put them to good use:)
wow maddie, awesome set-up! I've always tried to create a realistic quarry, but to no avail. Can i ask what that stone loader is in the first few shots? Looks very nice.
Great job Maddy, you have incredible talent as a routebuilder and a modeler, i use the objects and rolling stock you have created alot and i hope someday to see your route released:)
Thanks everyone! :)

[...] Can i ask what that stone loader is in the first few shots? Looks very nice.

It's a whole bunch of models all crammed together. The pictures below show the arrangement and the various assets used:





I reskinned the TPR Greenbriar Tipple a bit, but I think the rest of the models are pretty much as they are on the DLS. On each of the tracks under the loader, I also placed a ProtoLARS industry track -- "PL Gravel" (kuid2:30671:27373:1).

Hope that helps!

- Madeline
Awesome work!

If you don't mind me asking, where did you get the grade crossing in the first shot?

Thanks and keep up the great work!

That's an unauthorized reskin of CloakedGhost's "US Level Crossing 1 Track (Plain)" (kuid:76096:100201). I should ask him if it's ok to release it to the DLS.

- Madeline
Hey Maddy25,

Which were route is local or original or interchange? Like Norfolk Southern's main or CSX's line?

The Willow Lake & Grandville RR is a fictional shortline railroad set in southwestern Pennsylvania. The railroad has three divisions:

* The largest heads approximately east out of Grandville, eventually terminating at the mining town of Willow Lake. There is an interchange with the Norfolk Southern sort of near Willow Lake.

* The Morgantown division heads south out of Grandville, terminating at Morgantown, West Virginia. There's an interchange with the CSX at the Morgantown yard.

* The gravel pit featured in thread is along a line that heads north out of Grandville. The main reason for this line was to reach an interchange with the Norfolk Southern, but there are a number of industries along the way. The spur leading to the gravel pit leads north out the interchange yard and is the most northern extent of the WL&G.

- Madeline :)
Just a Suggestion


I suggest you check out Conveyor - Limestone by leeferr Quid 262137:10313. It may a an animated look to your gravel pit. Actually leeferr has a whole bunch of animated conveyors - coal, limestone, iron ore, scrap. Please check it out on the DLS.:)
Here is how the Florida East Coast Railway dumps rock at the plant at City Point.

Has anyone seen dump pits and conveyor systems like these on the Download Station?




Wonderful work Maddy! These assets are really helpful to me Maddy, after all the rock industry is huge here in Florida. If i may ask, can you make any additional assets to go with these? Maybe rock crushers/processors transfer conveyors: I would certainly put them to good use:)
Very interesting photos Richard ! I think that would be great reference material for making one. Unfortunately, As far as I know their isnt dump pits like that on the DLS but as sethmcs stated their is a great animated conveyor on the DLS by leeferr which is very similar to the one in the 3rd pic.:)