Graphics Tablet / Pens


New member
Have some members had experience using Graphics Tablet / Pen with Trainz route and scenery creation? I have never used a Graphics Table. I would appreciate the experience and option of others familiar with these tools.
I use a Wacom Cintiq as my monitor, which is also a graphics tablet. I did briefly experiment with it in TRS, and it is pretty much useless for that. The screen would jump wildly around when you right-clicked.

As great as it is for graphic work and making textures, there is absolutely no way a tablet can be useful in TRS, from my experience.
Another Wacom user. It is only useful for graphics work which it does quite well. Other uses are not recommended.
Got a WACOM as well (Mac edition even) and it's about good for Photoshop, and that's about it. Even then if I can use a mouse I will.
I suppose I'll add my own two-cents to this conversation. I also have a Wacom tablet, and while it doesn't work well inside Trainz, I use it for almost everything else. Pretty much the only time I use a mouse these days is when I'm inside Trainz or some fullscreen game. I love the absolute positioning of the pen -- once you get used to the mapping between the tablet and screen, you can pop all over the screen so quickly. And it's been nicer to my wrist than a mouse was.

Anyway, obviously people have a lot of varied opinions about using a tablet, that's just my preference. Like the others in this thread said, it doesn't work too well inside Trainz. The Trainz user-interface really assumes you have a scroll-wheel, and the right-click sensitivities are designed around the kinds of movements a person normally does with a mouse. So if you only wanted the tablet for route creation, don't buy one. I love tablets for other purposes though.

- Madeline
I suppose I'll add my own two-cents to this conversation. I also have a Wacom tablet, and while it doesn't work well inside Trainz, I use it for almost everything else. Pretty much the only time I use a mouse these days is when I'm inside Trainz or some fullscreen game. I love the absolute positioning of the pen -- once you get used to the mapping between the tablet and screen, you can pop all over the screen so quickly. And it's been nicer to my wrist than a mouse was.

Anyway, obviously people have a lot of varied opinions about using a tablet, that's just my preference. Like the others in this thread said, it doesn't work too well inside Trainz. The Trainz user-interface really assumes you have a scroll-wheel, and the right-click sensitivities are designed around the kinds of movements a person normally does with a mouse. So if you only wanted the tablet for route creation, don't buy one. I love tablets for other purposes though.

- Madeline

I have a Touch Screen keyboard so just use my fingers as a mouse. It works extremely well however Apple brought the company and they are no longer available.

Cheerio John