Gone for good.


TCR Mod, TheKoolKid :)
Hi guys, I'm gone because after 5 reinstalls, TRAINZ WILL NOT WORK! PLUS CMP!!!!

I and entered my password alot, Deleted assets.TDX Tryed with and without SP1 Ran the check in bin folders and i pass Everything.

Trying with open GL Fatal crash; With DX on and i get the blue screen of death, Puls i reinstalled with out anti bug things, And still no joy!

And for the 5 minutes i can get on, CMP locks up and i didn't even start it, Maybe in the background?

TO top it off trainz gives me a worm, Anyway, I'm out.

I bid auran goodby, And all my friends, Sorry it had to go down this way but it happens.

:cool: I doubt if you got the worm from Auran I've been downloading from the DS for 4 or 5 years with no problems

Before you run out, let's see if we can help you get this beast working. What version of Trainz do you have and what are your computer specs?
Before you run out, let's see if we can help you get this beast working. What version of Trainz do you have and what are your computer specs?

I think it's best i move on, Anyway one less noob So you know, everyone does.

But ok, I have the Dell windows xp dimension 2400, Version of trainz? With or with out Sp1? 512 MB of ram, Everything else it stock. And if you need more detail, My comp makes this noise when i get the blue screen of death, And it's kinda creapy. It's like "RRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrr RRR RRR RRR" You know like "Reving a car" Then it's very hot. And then this clink noise starts, screen goes upsidedown. And it clicks And it goes out! ....Help?

Have i fryed it? And i looked inside, But i'm a GEEK so i don't know what that green thing is.
If you continue to experience difficulties please provide the following details in your request:

Videocard type and driver version
Operating System
Trainz version and build number that you are running
Whether you are running in DirectX or OpenGL mode
A reasonably precise description of the problem

Also provide information on your power supply and any other things you have such as sound cards.

I would make a good guess that one of your cooling fans has a dry bearing and your machine is overheating. Fans are the most primitive parts of a computer and probably have a shorter lifetime than any other part.

Don't give up Trainz for a $10 replacement part. You can fix it yourself, take the fan out, peel off the sticky label on the back of the rotating part, and add a SMALL amount of light sewing machine lube oil. Make sure it goes nowhere but the bearing. Then stick the label back.


If you continue to experience difficulties please provide the following details in your request:

Videocard type and driver version
Operating System
Trainz version and build number that you are running
Whether you are running in DirectX or OpenGL mode
A reasonably precise description of the problem

Video card? Stock off the line. No changes make what so ever.

Dimension 2400?

Ram 512 MB

I have sp1 on at the time.

Tryed both.

it's it my first post.

I would make a good guess that one of your cooling fans has a dry bearing and your machine is overheating. Fans are the most primitive parts of a computer and probably have a shorter lifetime than any other part.

Don't give up Trainz for a $10 replacement part. You can fix it yourself, take the fan out, peel off the sticky label on the back of the rotating part, and add a SMALL amount of light sewing machine lube oil. Make sure it goes nowhere but the bearing. Then stick the label back.



Ok i'm very fast at finding things, So i added 2 drops, That is stoping the clinking sound. And i brushed out the computer, Nothing! And that's bad. then again, I haven't done any upgrades since i got it, 6 years ago.

Thanks, But trainz acts no better.

(I'm on my liquid cooled computer now)
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Sure doesn't sound like a Trainz problem. Sounds like a hardware problem to be the most likely culprit or a corrupted driver. I don't think abandoning Trainz is going to solve your problem. Best of luck to you.
Hang on here....noob...

8) Howdy...Dowdy...

Don't loose your kool!

Ask yourself what brought you to Auran Trains Simulator in the first place...

That is what keeps us all here anyway...

Your problem started when you decided you needed to uninstall TRS to fix a problem.

Which is not so bad as say, reinstalling Windows, to fix a driver problem!

You still have all your downloaded content? Then your one ahead of any owner of KRS already!

Your problem, is you are angry about the problem, that can keep you from thinking clearly, which could be blocking your ability to resolve this issue.

Clearing up this problem, may help you in the future, when KRS gets under your skin, and you need answers.

Hang in there!
It does sound like a hardware problem. Upgrading, or replacing the computer would be a good option.

Just a suggestion, but maybe you could run Trainz on the liquid cooled system?

Ok, a 2400 is a VERY weak computer right out of the box. You need to add a video card and more memory. The problem is that the board only has PCI slots and the best PCI that you can find now is a FX5500 256meg card.

Don't get all upset and give up on Trainz, you just need to upgrade your system.
Ok, Is there some thing to get nivida cards in?

Or do i try it on my newest computer, I thought that this computer could handle it.
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I had a similar problem with trainz, it turned out to be a memory stick that went bad. After the memory stick was replaced I haven't had a single problem with it since.

Hope this helps,
Your hardrive is going to Die. Happend to me. Put ALL your stuff on CD's or theres gonna be a big problem when u run trainz again.