Going to take a leave for a while (Maybe)


Colonel Klink
Anyways i Made this movie in my sadness and sorrow. alot of things are going on in my family (and alot probably don't even care Anyways Heres my Trains Corruption the last song makes me fall and think to myself alot. my family is very close to a divorce so i might take a leave from the trainz community. its too much Sorrow and Despair but I'll be on once and a while,

Hey thor, I remember the first time i use itrainz to chat with you. It's sad to see you leave. I hope everything gets better.

I let everything of my chest and you listened, I'll never forget that.
Hang in there youngster. The only advice I can give to you is to keep yourself occupied so that you don't dwell on sadness.I am getting on in years now but I also come from a broken home when I was young, so I can guess what you are experiencing.You never forget but it get's easier matey.
So keep making your movies etc.It helps the time pass.
God Bless you and keep up the good work.
Don't do it!!!

Hi Thorinoakin
I am probably going to have the shortest membership ever on this site as I have only registered so that I respond to your e-mail. I haven't any interest in trains or railways, the only connection I have is that my son has been an enthusiast since he was three years old. The reason I am on this site is that Alastair was the best friend of my son Richard. He was such a special bloke and such a friend of my son's, it has totally devastated us all losing him like this. When my husband and I separated 10 years ago, Alastair was there for Richard, as was some of his other train enthusiast friends. It was a hard time for all of us but it was people like Alastair that got Richard through. I know it's such a sad time for you but it is important that you hang on to what you enjoy and the friendships you have made through Trainz. You might feel that people don't care but they do, it's just that everyone gets wrapped up in their own sadness at times like these. Life is like a rainbow - just as it takes sunshine and rain to make a rainbow, so it takes smiles and tears to make life. And if that doesn't get me thrown off this site, then nothing else will! I am a woman with no interest in trains, with just a very strong maternal instinct that cannot bring my son's best friend back but one who understands the hurt that you feel. Alastair would be in stitches if he could see me now.... mums and trains don't mix

take care

Anyways i Made this movie in my sadness and sorrow. alot of things are going on in my family (and alot probably don't even care Anyways Heres my Trains Corruption the last song makes me fall and think to myself alot. my family is very close to a divorce so i might take a leave from the trainz community. its too much Sorrow and Despair but I'll be on once and a while,

I have had some pretty traumatic family and other problems plus some permanent illhealth which can intermittently have me out if action. I am glad when I am on a bout of the 'sick list' I have Trainz. Escapism? Yep but a great boost as it is giving me the chance to a lifetime ambition - drive trams and trains. If you let it Trainz can be a great medication!
Hi Thorinoakin, I too have come from a broken family and it is not a great time to remember.

The advice given others is quite true, keep yourself occupied, talk with your close friends.

Spend time with TRS and create a new layout, anything you can think of that occupies your mind.

You will never be able to get through this time if you just sit back and feel the sadness of your family problems.

Take care,

Thorin, you're not alone. I'm another from a broken family, and then I lost my mum as a teenager. It was a very big learning curve....and a very quick way to grow up. I came to learn pretty quickly to make the most of the cards I had been dealt rather than dwell on what could have been, or how it might be. That was the way I dealt with my trying teenage years.

I can't disagree with any of the above posters about keeping busy and keeping other poeple close to you. Hobbies, sports, (both playing and watching), build a model railway/railroad for real. The list is endless.

At the end of the day, you're still a lucky fella. You have a roof over your head, you are fed, you have people, you can be full of life every day, and you're still young with your life ahead of you, and just the little things like having access to a computer....to use Trainz/TRS and the like, TV, music....you name it.

Compare the situation to the starving people in East Africa. They don't have a roof over their head, they are not fed, they don't have many to rely on for support, they can't be full of life every day - as every day represents a challenge and the chance of death through starvation and disease is high, they don't get luxuries like computers, music, TV and all of those little things we can take for granted.

Ultimately, you control your destiny, and I speak through experience. You also do need to help yourself first, then help/assistance/support from others will come. Just take the East African example above and remember how lucky you really are.

I to come from a broken home. I am an only child, so it was even harder on me. But the thing is DON'T DWELL on it. It will get better, I promise
Hang in there my lover, nothing's as bad as it seems. Believe me, I too was an only child, and grew up thinking that the man I called "Dad" was my biological father. I found out seventeen years ago that he wasn't, I had been duped into believing that he was,
I was in my fourties when I found out the truth....in the worst way imaginable, (won't go into details...too painful still!).

Just try to find things to take your mind off your problems. As has already been said, Trainz is very theraputic and will help you. As will music.

All the best, Sandie.